Tag Archives: Menachem Begin

1984 U.S. Military Academy Study Identified Founders of Israel as “Terrorists”

The United States Government never tires of declaring to the world that it will “never negotiate with terrorists”.   In fact, the USG has not only negotiated with terrorists, it has organized and led bands of terrorists repeatedly throughout its history.  From the CIA’s work with anti-Castro exiles who invaded Cuba and shot down a Cuban jetliner to the CIA’s training of Osama Bin Laden and his mujaheddin in Afghanistan in the late 70s holy war against the USSR, the US has always supported pro-capitalist terrorism.

In this 1984 textbook from the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, the history department created a very succinct and interesting military history of the founding of the State of Israel, in which they forthrightly characterize several of the organizations that were the nucleus of today’s Israel Defense Forces as “terrorist”.

We believe that our readers will enjoy this excellent military history of the creation of the modern Zionist war machine which has always based its military strategy on terrorizing the Arab population into abandoning their ancestral lands to the Zionist “settlers” in the same way that the American aboriginal population was “encouraged” to move west to provide “lebensraum” for European settlers of the continent of North America.

We call upon the workers of Palestine and Israel to overthrow their common enemies: the capitalist/Zionist madmen running Israel AND the would-be exploiters of the Palestinians: the PLO and Hamas pro-capitalist misleaders who aspire to be the primary exploiters of the Palestinian masses,  Not Arab vs, Jew but Class against Class! For a Socialist Federation of the Middle East!  Workers of the World, Unite!
