Category Archives: Racism

The Great Coronavirus Fraud Of 2020 – Who Is to Blame For It: Socialist China? Or the Deeply Corrupt Pro-Capitalist Political Party Hacks YOU The Citizens Have Voted Into Office Again and Again?

The Great Coronavirus Fraud Of 2020: Who Is to Blame For It: Socialist China? Or the Deeply Corrupt Pro-Capitalist Political Party Hacks You The Citizens Have Voted Into Office Again and Again?



It is becoming more and more fashionable for critics of the public health officials responsible for the capitalist world’s unscientific, panicked response to COVID19 to ask “where are our leaders?” when it comes to protecting the rights of the citizenry from increasingly onerous police-state measures being imposed allegedly to prevent the spread of the relatively benign COVID-19 virus.

The implication of this presentation of shock at what is being falsely portrayed as a betrayal of the citizenry by recently-elected officials who seem to be competing to see which political party can impose the most draconian police-state response to COVID is that no one could have seen this coming. In fact, in most cases, the very pundits expressing feigned shock at the “betrayal” of “their” political class in refusing to defend our civil and human rights helped elect these very same officials within the past few years. For revolutionary Trotskyists, this supposedly sudden “betrayal” of the working class & middle class super-majority by “our leaders” has been anything but sudden. The politicians of all major pro-capitalist political parties – and not a few fake-socialist parties as well – have NEVER represented the interests of the working class. They are the bribed, corrupt tools of the ruling capitalist class micro-minority; and their parties have been solely representing the most criminal elements of the capitalist class and their governments for over a century now – and we revolutionary socialists have been pointing this out year after year, decade after decade – to no avail.

The vast majority of today’s social-democratic parties in Europe began betraying the working class way back in 1914 when they voted for war credits at the start of World War I. Since that time they have been the loyal representatives of the interests of the capitalist class micro-minority of Europe, they and their capitalist masters both covering their asses politically by merely granting a handful of concessions to the workers once every few decades – to prevent socialist revolutions in which the working class super-majority led by communist parties would come to power and own everything collectively and they, the capitalist class micro-minority and their political flunkies, would lose everything.

The working class and the middle class have been systematically propagandized since 1914 to falsely believe that the interests of capital and labor are identical: one of the most monstrous – and nakedly obvious – lies in history. The revolutionary socialists have exposed this fraud for what it is for decade after decade and we have been ignored by the vast majority of workers and middle class entrepreneurs, who have vainly attempted to “win over” the capitalist class to their sides by sucking up to their capitalist masters instead of overthrowing them and taking power into their own hands. The results of this class-collaborationist “strategy” (if you can call rolling over on your back and playing dead for a century a “strategy”) should by now have been made manifest to even the most obtuse; but once you’ve been made into a shit-eating surrender monkey whose only “strategy” when under attack from your supposed capitalist “partners” is to pull down your pants and grab your ankles, you are completely politically disarmed when your capitalist “friends” gang-rape you in front of your family. All you can do is bleat “where are our leaders?” After the capitalists slaughtered tens of millions of you in WWI did you overthrow capitalism? No! You ignored the appeals of the revolutionary socialists – the Bolsheviks – and rolled over and allowed the very criminals responsible for the slaughter return to power in EVERY nation in Europe! And after the capitalists slaughtered tens of millions again just 21 years later, did you the workers finally overthrow the blood-drenched capitalist classes of Europe? No! Again you ignored the appeals – this time from the Trotskyists – and rolled over and allowed them to return to power! After the Korean War, the Vietnam War, after the capitalists lied to get you to support the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, did you finally heed the appeals of the Trotskyists and say: “ENOUGH!” and overthrow the capitalists? No! Again you ignored the Trotskyists, rolled over and allowed the capitalist class war criminals to remain in power! And STILL you ask ask in 2021: “Where are our leaders?” Are you kidding me? You have NEVER supported the revolutionary leaders who have told you the truth time and time again; you have steadfastly REFUSED to support our political parties, dedicated to fight for your rights and your rights only! “Where are our leaders?” Right here where we’ve been, through every attempt by the capitalist enemy to crush us – often with your help! – since 1848!

In the United States – where, as the late Gore Vidal pointed out, anti-communism is the state religion – the working class has been tongue-bathing the crusty feet of the US capitalist class since the late 1950s “McCarthy” anti-communist witch-hunt era. Fully convinced by their capitalist masters that “socialism is bad and capitalism is good”, these pathetic creatures truly believe that “the interests of capital and labor are identical” – the mantra of the utterly corrupt, sold-out, pro-capitalist AFL criminal Samuel Gompers who founded that repulsively class-collaborationist business trade unionist cesspool in the 1890s.

Another of Gompers’s execrable “contributions” to the destruction of the naturally revolutionary spirit of the US working class was his insistence that the working class should never form its own political party – especially a revolutionary socialist one. This monstrously bad piece of advice has been taken to heart by every American worker and has been handed down from generation to generation like a decrepit piece of “heirloom” furniture to this very day: that’s why US workers, alone among their peers in the capitalist world, STILL do not have a single mass working class party that even pretends to be worthy of the name in 2021. Not only do US working-class supermajority not even have their own party after 240 years of so-called “American Democracy”; their currently largest fake-socialist political formation – the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) explicitly states in its political programme that it is NOT a political party, but only a pressure group that operates inside the capitalist-owned-and-operated Democratic Party! Apparently that’s “good enough” for even the relatively advanced elements of the business-unionized, struggling working-class wage-and-debt slaves of the USA!

The vast majority of struggling working-class wage-and-debt slaves of the USA are so completely in thrall of their capitalist masters that when on 6 January 2021 thousands of brave workers and small businesspeople swarmed into the houses of Congress to express their extreme dissatisfaction with the criminality of “their” representatives and drove those paid tools of the bourgeoisie to hide from “their” constituents under their desks, the majority of the cowardly US working class didn’t celebrate this rare incursion of working-and-middle-class rage into the “sacred” halls of the most despotic national government on Earth – they bleated that “their” government was under attack and called for extreme punishment for the brave workers who boldly put the fear of the working-and middle classes into the cold, dead, completely corrupted hearts of the US Congress! And you cowed struggling working-class sheep have the NERVE to bleat “Where are our leaders?” AT IWPCHI WE DEFEND “THE STORMING OF THE CAPITOL” PROTESTORS and call for the government prosecutors to drop ALL charges against ALL of them! They are HEROES OF THE WORKING CLASS to us – and potential leaders of the Third American Revolution – a workers socialist revolution! Any self-professed “socialist” who does not defend the protestors who stormed the Capitol on 6 January 2021 is not made of revolutionary socialist material and would have no place in our party!


Thus, the workers of both capitalist Europe and capitalist USA find themselves unable to find even one political party among the ones that they and their ancestors have voted for since time immemorial that is willing to come to the defense of their Constitutional and human rights in the face of a global capitalist attempt to completely overthrow every human right in existence using the fabricated “public health emergency” they created as an excuse. Not surprisingly, over 50% of the sheeple whose sole “strategy” for dealing with attacks from the capitalist class is to feign death eagerly embrace the prospect of never again having to even pretend to fight for their Constitutional and fundamental human rights. Life in a police-state is just fine for those who never had the courage to stand up for their own rights anyway; the terror imposed by the police state gives them a rock-solid excuse for continuing their “strategy” of rolling over and playing dead whenever the cops rampage through their neighborhoods.

[Objection: This is not quite right, because it ignores both the George Floyd and Gilets Jaunes protests.]

It may be objected that I’m not taking into account the massive protests that have rocked the US and the world recently – particularly the global “George Floyd” protests against the rampant police brutality that is endemic in the capitalist “democracies” as well as the French “Gilets Jaunes” protests. In fact, though those protests are significant, and in some cases became quite militant, they are part of the very same process by which the vast working-class super-majority has been so completely subordinated to the political party leaders owned and operated by by the capitalist classes that all they can do is “protest” when their rights are being wantonly violated by “their” governments – because they are completely unrepresented in those governments! Nearly every political party in Europe and both political parties in the USA have been either owned from their inception or co-opted by the enemy capitalist class for almost a century now! Instead of taking power into our own hands by forming new revolutionary socialist parties that are entirely independent of the capitalists and their bribed political tools, the working class continues to allow itself to be reduced to hitting the streets in mass protests that are nothing more than a militant form of begging for concessions from the capitalist micro-minority – just as their peasant ancestors did centuries ago, when they crawled on their knees bearing religious icons and carrying petitions to the Kings of Europe! “Where are our leaders?” indeed! Where does all this craven cowardice come from? How can the 1% continue to lord it over the 99% unless we, the 99% ALLOW them to do so? And that’s just what you’ve been doing for a century and are continuing to do to this day; and it’s WHY when you’re under this full-scale attack against workers and even small businesspeople by the lords of the capitalist micro-minority you look around and cry in a falsely plaintive, shocked voice: “WHERE ARE OUR LEADERS?”

The reason why you are being “betrayed” by “your leaders” is that you’ve been refusing to do your job of only supporting those political parties that are sworn to defend ONLY the rights of the working class and that have NOTHING to do with defending your capitalist enemies. “Your leaders” are actually THEIR paid shills – the bribed, corrupt tools of the capitalist micro-minority. They never represented YOU! YOU have fooled yourself into believing that your mortal enemies were your friends! For example: the celebrations of the election of Emmanuel Macron as President of France by a massive majority of worker’s votes were hardly over when he turned around and attacked the working class, trying to destroy the French workers pensions! How can this be called a “betrayal”? If any worker who voted for Macron was “betrayed” it was only due to their own inability to distinguish between friend and enemy! There was absolutely NO REASON why any worker should have thought for a moment that that shameless tool of the French capitalist micro-minority would ever do ANYTHING good for the working class! Yet you voted him into office only to cry out “betrayal!” when he – at the behest of the capitalist criminals who paid for his election campaign – turned around and attacked you! You have no one to blame but yourselves!

The same thing happened in the USA with Donald Trump – a lifelong capitalist criminal who was famous for being a racist landlord, a serial thief who hired small businesses to work for him on his real estate and casino projects and then refused to pay them for the work they did and who set up fraudulent “university” that swindled tens of thousands of students out of their and their families’ hard-earned money – who but a nation of self-deluding idiots could have believed that Donald Trump – of all people! – was a friend of the working class OR the middle class? It boggles the mind to even ask this question! Yet tens of millions of deluded workers convinced themselves that their best hope for a better life for themselves and their families would be to elect – not a loyal member of the working class who never sold out the workers – but a billionaire racist landlord with a long track record of robbing workers, small businesses and students! And the other half of the working & middle classes – thoroughly opposed to Trump and all he stands for then turned around and threw HIM out of office and replaced him with… another racist tool of the capitalist class who has been a friend to the worst segregationists in Congress his entire career, a loyal tool of the thieving bankster class and a serial war criminal to boot? How can you be surprised that you are in the position you’re in today when you can’t even tell your enemies from your friends? You refuse to learn from the lessons of history; you repeatedly elect people with a LONG track history of being mortal enemies of the working class – and then you have the nerve to turn around and declare “we were betrayed! Where are our leaders?” Who are you kidding? Only yourselves!

Who is responsible for the current police-state response to the George Floyd protests and the Gilets Jaunes and other mass protests? YOU are: YOU the working-class and middle-class idiots who elected Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel and all the other capitalist tools to power instead of selecting and electing honest, incorruptible, loyal working-class leaders from among yourselves to lead your nations! Stop pretending that you’re not responsible for the sorry state of the governmental leadership throughout the capitalist world! YOU, worker; YOU small businessperson – YOU elected these cretins and their political parties into political power! YOU have elected them over and over and over again, despite the fact that they have never done anything other than turn around the minute they are elected so they could spit in your faces! Until YOU finally admit that YOU are ultimately responsible for the leadership of YOUR nations and that YOU need to elect loyal WORKERS – not billionaires and their hired flunkies – to represent you in government YOU will continue to be the #1 obstacle to the progress of not just yourselves and your families and communities but of the entire human race!

Dump all capitalist political parties: the capitalist classes and their political lapdogs are the MORTAL ENEMIES of the working class!

Build revolutionary Trotskyist political parties dedicated to the goal of overthrowing the capitalist micro-minority and placing loyal, honest working class leaders as YOUR representatives in government!

Abolish capitalist exploitation; abolish the capitalist police-state and their “Deep State”; make all basic human needs: food, clothing, housing, health care, jobs and education – inalienable RIGHTS for all – not just privileges to be granted or withdrawn by the capitalist micro-minority when they feel like it!

Fight for workers governments and fight for a socialist future; because as “The Great Coronavirus Fraud of 2020” is proving, day after day: there is no future for the working class – or the middle class! – under the capitalist system!

Democratic Party-run Chicago Police Department Releases Video of Cold-Blooded Cop Murder of 13-Year-Old Adam Toledo

Still shot from the body camera of Chicago police officer Eric Stillman one second before he guns down unarmed 13-year-old Adam Toledo on 29 March 2021. SOURCE: Chicago’s Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA), Vimeo

Today Chicago’s phony-ass “Civilian Office of Police Accountability” (COPA) finally released the police body cam videos of the 29 March 2021 police murder of 13-year-old Adam Toledo.  Once again the citizens are stunned by a police bodycam video of a brutal assassination of an unarmed young man of color by 34-year-old officer Eric Stillman of the crazed, racist, trigger-happy Democratic Party-run Chicago Police Department (CPD).  The video is just as vicious as we all expected it to be: yet another working-class citizen murdered in cold blood by the forces of “law and order” on the streets of Chicago.  With every new murder of citizens by the racist cops in capitalist USA, body camera videos are exposing the fact that the police have been lying for decades about how they gun down unarmed citizens with impunity: these videos show that for the USA’s racist killer cops it’s “shoot first, and tell lies about it later”.  The body cameras have stripped away the cops’ ability to plant guns on their victims as was their age-old previous modus operandi; now the naked truth about the USA’s Killer Kops of Kapital must be dealt with by a US working class that has been tolerating this barbarity – and electing and re-electing the Republicrat politicians of the political parties responsible for it – for far too long.   On this page you will find all of the videos, audio recordings and links to the documents that were released today by COPA, starting with this horrible video of the murder of Adam Toledo that was captured by the body camera of the Chicago cop who killed him in cold blood:

[The rest of the documentary materials will be found at the end of this article.]

As usual after police shootings, the CPD and its apologists swarmed all over social media and the bourgeois press to smear Adam Toledo: that he was in a gang; that he had a gun; the usual.  But the video clearly shows that Toledo, who initially ran the minute he saw the cop coming, only ran down the alley for a few seconds; when the cop told him to stop he stopped as he was ordered to do; and he was unarmed and talking on a cell phone when he was shot right in the heart a split second after turning around to “show his hands” as ordered by the lunatic cop who had chased him down an alley for no apparent reason.  Judging by the cop’s body camera video, the total elapsed time from the moment the cop got out of his car to the time he gunned down this 13-year-old was about 19 seconds!  

Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot, whose Democratic Party has run the racist Chicago Police Department since the 1930s, has appealed for “calm” from an enraged public that is sick and tired of seeing their family members and fellow citizens being summarily executed on the streets of Chicago and all over the USA by her party’s and the Republican party’s Killer Kops of Kapital.  There should be no more toleration of these endless appeals for “peace” and “calm” from the Democrats while their killer cops murder our sisters and brothers over and over again and the Democratic Party-run city’s law department DEFENDS the cops and the Democratic Party-run States Attorney’s Office fails again and again to secure murder convictions for THEIR cops! Our patience is long gone!

By continuing to vote for the Democratic Party that RUNS and has been running most of the racist big-city police departments in the USA for DECADES, workers are supporting the murderous, racist police state status quo!  The capitalist billionaires who own and operate THEIR twin parties of capital – the Democratic and Republican parties – have NO desire or intention to back down from 100% support of THEIR killer cops – THEIR front-line of defense against the righteous anger of the completely politically disenfranchised working-class super-majority.  Fake socialists and other defenders prate about “defunding the police” and even “abolishing the police” WITHOUT overthrowing the capitalist system; they are political charlatans who are opposed to workers actually overthrowing “our capitalist masters”!  In fact, it will take nothing less than a workers socialist revolution and the overthrow of the capitalist class and their state to create the political transformation of society that will make it possible to TRULY abolish the racist capitalist police-state organizations!

“Working within the system” PERPETUATES racist police brutality; it can NEVER be a solution to a problem that is ENDEMIC to the racist exploitative capitalist system!  It’s long past time for the working class super-majority to build a new political party of the working class – a revolutionary Trotskyist party like our proposed party – so that finally the working class will have OUR OWN party representing OUR class interests to oppose the twin parties of the capitalist micro-minority.  This would be the necessary first step in the process of replacing the racist, murderous, capitalist system with an egalitarian, planned socialist economic system; only after that is achieved can we finally put an end to the racist police brutality that is endemic to the capitalist system. 







  2. Original case report (released 15 April 2021, censored) Original-Case-Report_REDACTED
  3. Tactical Response Report (released 15 April 2021, censored) PO-Stillman-TRR_REDACTED

BODY-WORN CAMERA (BWC) VIDEOS (links will open in another window and take you to COPA’s videos archived on the Vimeo website):

  1. BWC 1 – Shooting Officer –
  2. BWC 2 – Witness Officer [shooting officer’s partner; she arrests the man who was standing with Adam Toledo when the cops pulled up on them] –
  3. BWC 3 – Arrives after OIS (officer-involved shooting) –
  4. BWC 4 – Arrives after OIS [at 8:20 in video a police sergeant tells the cops at shooting scene they can shut off their body cameras]-
  5.  BWC 5 – Arrives after OIS –
  6. BWC 6 – Arrives after OIS –
  7. BWC 7 – Arrives after OIS [assists shooting officer with first aid] –
  8. BWC 8 – Arrives after OIS [includes footage of cops questioning the other man who appeared to have been talking with Adam Toledo in BWCs 1 & 2 when the police originally accosted them] –
  9. BWC 9 – Arrives after OIS –
  10. BWC 10 – Arrives after OIS [first “white shirt” supervisor on scene]-
  11. BWC 11 – Arrives after OIS –
  12. BWC 12 – Arrives after OIS –
  13. BWC 13 – Arrives after OIS –
  14. BWC 14 – Arrives after OIS –
  15. BWC 15 – Arrives after OIS –
  16. BWC 16 – Arrives after OIS –
  17. BWC 17 – Arrives after OIS –
  18. Third Party 1 – Shows OIS –
  19. Third Party 2 – Shows OIS –
  20. Third Party 3 – Before OIS –
  21. Third Party 4 – After OIS –

AUDIO FILES: (links open in another window and take you to COPA’s Soundcloud page)

  1. OEMC (Office of Emergency Management and Communications) Transmission –
  2.  911 1 –
  3.  911 2 –

“SHOTSPOTTER” RECORDINGS: one element of the recording devices mounted on telephone poles around “violence prone” areas in Chicago that record live video and also pick up sounds of gunshots and alert police to respond to the location of these events.

  1. Shotspotter 1 – Before OIS –
  2. Shotspotter 2 – Before OIS –
  3. Shotspotter 3 – Before OIS –
  4. Shotspotter 4 – OIS –
  5. Shotspotter 5 – OIS –
  6. Shotspotter 6 – OIS –


Black History Month: Leon Trotsky, “Closer to the Proletarians of the Colored Races” (1932)

In the Communist movement  in general, and in the Trotskyist movement that I’m most familiar with, I think it’s fair to say without exaggeration or any kind of pandering at all to say that “every month is ‘Black History Month'”.  The history of the long and brutal struggle of people of color against racist oppression is something we study with seriousness at all times, not just for one month a year. 

This month I’ve called attention to several Black History month pieces on Twitter; I reported them essentially as I came across them this month in my usual daily peregrinations across the Internet; and tonight I just came across this very fine short letter from the founder of the Trotskyist movement, the great Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky where he makes some important points on the critical importance for any revolutionary Trotskyist party to recruit workers of every ethnicity into the party, not merely for the purpose of a superficial “diversity” but because in a world where workers of color are the vast majority there will be no international socialist workers revolution unless workers of color are won over to the communist programme.  This is even more critically important in multi-ethnic societies like the United States where workers of color make up a relatively small proportion of the entire working class and “white” workers have been steeped in varying levels of racism from the moment of their birth.  Any “white” communist worker who is uncomfortable working under the leadership of African, Hispanic or Asian communist leaders is simply not worth a damn!

Historically, the communist movement of the USA has been dominated by “white” workers and intellectuals of European ancestry; and these workers have had to struggle to overcome the racist prejudices ingrained in them by their families over decades. In fact, if you’re a  Black or Hispanic or Asian worker in the USA, when you think of an  American “communist” you probably picture a white man or woman. right?  This is in spite of the fact that the largest communist parties in the world are the Chinese, Indian and South African Communist parties, where whites make up only a tiny minority of the membership.  Black, Hispanic and Asian workers who think that being a communist is “a white thing” are probably simply unaware that when you look at the world communist movement as a whole it is very much *not* “a white thing”!

Now I don’t want to suggest that the Independent Workers Party supports these Stalinist “communist” parties politically: we have very significant political differences with them and we have had those differences for the better part of the past century; I’m simply trying to demonstrate that the view of the communist movement that most African-, Hispanic- and perhaps to a lesser extent Asian-American workers (not to mention “white” workers) have of the communist movement is one that you’ve received through the very distorted lens of the racist US bourgeois press which goes out of its way to NEVER show workers of color in the USA images of the membership of the South African Communist Party or of any of the other major communist party gatherings in India or in the rest of the world. They’re afraid it might give you some “bad ideas” lol!

The founders of the Communist “Third International”, led by Lenin and Trotsky, were well aware of the necessity to wage intransigent struggle against any and all manifestations of racism inside the International. In fact it was because they fought so hard against racism that they were able to almost immediately win over the most talented and respected worker-leaders from India, China, Japan and South Africa to the communist movement starting from the moment that the Communist International was formed.  By the end of World War II – just 30 years after the founding of the Third International – the largest communist parties in the world by far were in countries outside of Europe in Asia, India and Africa.

Without any further ado, I present to you this very modest example of the crucial importance one of the great leaders of the Russian Revolution of 1917 laid on winning workers of color from all over the globe to the  revolutionary Marxist/Leninist programme.  His assertions – though they are not made using the more politically correct modern terminology that a communist of the 21st century would use (they were written back in 1932) – are as true today as they were when he wrote them 89 years ago.


Leon Trotsky
“Closer to the Proletarians of the Colored Races”
(June 1932)

Written: 13 June 1932.
First Published: In Bulletin of the Russian Opposition, No.28, July 1932.
First Published in English: The Militant, Vol. V No. 27 (Whole No. 123), 2 July 1932, p. 1.
Source: Fourth International, Vol. 6 No. 8, August 1945, p. 243.
Reprinted: Fourth International (Paris), No. 4, Autumn 1958, p. 65.
Online Version: Marxists Internet Archive, 2000.
Transcribed: Sally Ryan.
HTML Markup: Sally Ryan and David Walters.

To the International Secretariat:

(Copy to the National Committee of the American League)

I have received a copy of the letter dated April 26, 1932, sent by an organization of Negro comrades from Johannesburg. This letter, it seems to me, is of great symptomatic significance. The Left Opposition (Bolshevik-Leninists) can and must become the banner for the most oppressed sections of the world proletariat, and consequently, first and foremost, for the Negro workers. Upon what do I base this proposition?

The Left Opposition represents at present the most consistent and most revolutionary tendency in the world. Its sharply critical attitude to any and all varieties of bureaucratic haughtiness in the labor movement makes it possible for it to pay particular attention to the voice of the most oppressed sections of the working class and the toilers as a whole.

The Left Opposition is the target for the blows not only of the Stalinist apparatus but also of all the bourgeois governments of the world. This fact, which, despite all the slanders, is entering gradually into the consciousness of the masses, is bound increasingly to attract towards the Left Opposition the warm sympathies of the most oppressed sections of the international working class. From this point of view, the communication addressed to us by the South African comrades seems to me not at all accidental, but profoundly symptomatic.

In their letter, to which 24 signatures are appended (with the notation “and others”), the South African comrades expressed particular interest in the questions of the Chinese Revolution. This interest, it ought to be acknowledged, is wholly justified. The working masses of the oppressed peoples who have to carry on the struggle for elementary national rights and for human dignity, are precisely those who incur the greatest risk of suffering the penalties for the muddled teachings of the Stalinist bureaucracy on the subject of the “democratic dictatorship.” Under this false banner, the policy a la Kuomintang, that is, the vile deception and the unpunished crushing of the toiling masses by their own “national” bourgeoisie, may still do the greatest harm to the liberating cause of the toilers. The programme of the permanent revolution based on the incontestable historic experience of a number of countries can and must assume primary significance for the liberation movement of the Negro proletariat.

The Johannesburg comrades may not as yet have had the opportunity to acquaint themselves more closely with the views of the Left Opposition on all the most important questions. But this cannot be an obstacle in our getting together with them as closely as possible at this very moment, and helping them fraternally to come into the orbit of our programme and our tactics.

When ten intellectuals, whether in Paris, Berlin, or New York, who have already been members of various organizations, address themselves to us with a request to be taken into our midst, I would offer the following advice: Put them through a series of tests on all the programmatic questions; wet them in the rain, dry them in the sun, and then after a new and careful examination accept maybe one or two.

The case is radically altered when ten workers connected with the masses turn to us. The difference in our attitude to a petty-bourgeois group and to the proletarian group does not require any explanation. But if a proletarian group functions in an area where there are workers of different races, and in spite of this remains composed solely of workers of a privileged nationality, then I am inclined to view them with suspicion. Are we not dealing perhaps with the labor aristocracy? Isn’t the group infected with slave-holding prejudices, active or passive?

It is an entirely different matter when we are approached by a group of Negro workers. Here I am prepared to take it for granted in advance that we shall achieve agreement with them, even if such an agreement is not actual as yet. Because the Negro workers, by virtue of their whole position, do not and cannot strive to degrade anybody, oppress anybody, or deprive anybody of his rights. They do not seek privileges and cannot rise to the top except on the road of the international revolution.

We can and we must find a way to the consciousness of the Negro workers, the Chinese workers, the Indian workers, and all the oppressed in the human ocean of the colored races to whom belongs the decisive word in the development of mankind.

Prinkipo, 13 June 1932

Leon Trotsky



Why #DumpTheDems? Once Again a Black Man is Murdered by a Racist Killer Cop in a Democratic Party-run City

Democratic Party Mayor of Minneapolis Jacob Frey obscenely and belatedly “calls on” his own Democratic Party’s Hennepin County States Attorney  Michael O. Freeman to charge just ONE of the four Minneapolis cops involved in the murder of George Floyd.  Every vote for the Democrats is a vote for this kind of disgusting covering up for racist police murders.  There’s NO EXCUSE for this delaying of justice while Minneapolis burns and the cops threaten to kill even more people by firing on demonstrations! Arrest the cops and throw them in jail NOW! Source: WCCO-TV via YouTube


Once again the world has seen a graphic video of an unarmed black man being murdered by a racist cop from a Democratic Party-run major US city’s police force.  Security guard George Floyd, who was wanted for questioning on an allegation of having attempted to pass a counterfeit bill at a local grocery store, was brutally murdered in cold blood in broad daylight by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin as horrified citizens watched and video-recorded the murder and three other cops prevented citizens from interfering.

We demand: arrest ALL the cops involved in this heinous murder and throw them in jail NOW!  Officer Chauvin must be charged with nothing less than first-degree murder and his fellow officers should be charged with conspiracy/accomplice to murder.  They’re all guilty as hell!

Initially the protests against the murder were quiet and peaceful: a handful of protestors stood outside the Cup Foods store where George Floyd was murdered just hours before holding signs and attracting the supportive honks of car horns as people drove by.  But as the hours passed and more and more people in Minneapolis (and the entire world) saw the now-viral video of the murder that had taken place and discussed it on social media, anger began to build.  And as the hours passed without the police being arrested and charged with any crime by the Democratic Party States Attorney Michael O. Freeman, the anger turned into a mass protest.  When the police responded to the relatively peaceful but angry protest by firing tear gas canisters at the protestors and hosed them down with spray cans of mace, the anger exploded into righteous self-defense by the protesting workers against the police brutality.

Once again we also got to see how suddenly powerless “Lesser Evil(TM)” Democratic Party politicians become when one of their police murders a person of color. 

It’s totally understandable that the workers of Minneapolis would not accept the announcement of the mere firing of the four cops by the city as being even remotely close to what needed to be done.  As “rioting” began in response to the police attacks on the demonstrations, still the Democratic Farmer-Labor Party (just the Democratic Party “writ large”) Mayor and Democratic Party State’s Attorney’s office remained incapable of ordering the immediate arrest and incarceration of the cops involved in the murder.

Isn’t it strange that when it came to enforcing their draconian medieval “social distancing” rules and even state-wide police-state lockdowns in response to #TheGreatCoronavirusFraudof2020 the Democrats had no difficulty running roughshod over the Constitutional rights of the citizens; but whenever one of THEIR cops murders a black citizen they suddenly can’t even manage to ARREST the KNOWN KILLER and his accomplices?

On the day after the murder of George Floyd, as the Democrats running Minneapolis STILL hadn’t found the “power” of ordering a simple arrest and jailing of four men who had been videotaped in the act of murdering a black man, the anger of the workers of Minneapolis exploded again.  The bought-and-paid-for apologists for the racist capitalist system among the news media and the Democratic and Republican politicians decry the “violence of the mob”; but if only the Democrats had found it within themselves to immediately place murderer Chauvin and his fellow cop-criminal accomplices under arrest for murder – the “riots” would never have happened!

We charge the Democratic Party leadership of Minneapolis and Hennepin County with FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the “rioting” and “looting” which has taken place due primarily to the REFUSAL of the Democrats to enforce the law against “their” own cops!  This is why we say: #DumpTheDems and #BuildAWorkersParty!

As usual, the Democratic Party politicians of Minneapolis bleat out their pathetic pleas for an “end to the violence” – CAUSED by THEIR racist police department’s crazed killers – and perform the tired ritual of sending “former” FBI fink Al Sharpton and moralist sock puppet preacher/practiced political bait-and-switch artist former Democratic Party “Presidential Candidate” Jesse Jackson to Minneapolis to “quiet things down in the black community”.  We call on the workers of Minneapolis and all of the USA to pay very close attention to how the Democratic Party never fails to use all its power – not to bring racist cops like Chauvin to justice – but to funnel the righteous anger of black and anti-racist white workers into dead-end electoral support for the very same Democratic Party that RUNS the racist criminal justice system of nearly every major city in the USA!

The Democratic Party proves over and over again that voting for a “Lesser Evil(TM)” party can not and will NEVER “solve” the “problem” of the racist criminal justice system of the capitalist USA. Most of the well-known racist murders and other racist atrocities committed by big-city police departments over the last 80 years were committed under Democratic Party control of the city government and criminal justice system. From the murder of Emmett Till  to the murder of Viola Liuzzo to the murder of George Floyd, the common denominator has been that it is in Democratic Party-run cities that the racist police and Klan killers have operated with impunity and been defended by the Democrats themselves.  The Democrats are experts at deflecting the righteous anger of workers away from real solutions to the problem of racism under the capitalist system: workers socialist revolution. As they trot out Jesse and Al for their usual shucking and jiving display of flaccid moral misdirection and shameless evangelizing for their Democrats yet again, and call on the racist FBI to open an investigation – *as if* the FBI was some kind of pro-civil rights organization –  workers need to open your eyes to see through this cheap two-ring circus dog-and-pony show for what it is: a reliable method for the racist US capitalist class to defuse the anger of black, Hispanic and anti-racist white workers and channel it into the dead end of voting for the “Lesser Evil(TM)” Democrats for the umpteenth time – with the same deadly results.

So long as workers continue to fall for this disgusting ritual of hand-wringing and singing of gospel songs by black Democrats NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE – and we’ll be out again soon, protesting yet another murder of another person of color by yet another crazed racist killer cop in yet another Democratic Party-run US major city!

So what’s the solution? It’s not easy; but then nothing truly worth fighting for has ever been or ever will be easy.  But it’s absolutely NECESSARY if we want to put a permanent end to the racist police violence we see in EVERY capitalist country from the USA to Brazil, from the shores of the Atlantic to the shores of the Mediterranean: workers socialist revolution is the solution. 

To overthrow a corrupt worker-hating racist exploitative political and economic system like capitalism we must organize a revolutionary socialist political party that has as its principal aim not the mere REFORM of the capitalist system – as the fake-socialist Bernie Sanders supporters of the Democratic Socialists of America propose – but the complete overthrow of the capitalist system and the replacement of it with an egalitarian anti-racist socialist workers government. Racism cannot be rooted out so long as the racist capitalist system is allowed to exist. Capitalism and racism go hand-in-hand, like the cops and the Klan. The capitalists use racism to divide and conquer the working class; to get black and white workers to fight among ourselves so the capitalists can drive down wages and prevent us from organizing strong racially integrated unions and strong racially integrated political parties of a unified working class.

This is the kind of revolutionary socialist workers party I am trying to build.  It will not come ready-made like a cake you buy at a supermarket; YOU have to help build it. If YOU, the workers of the USA do not dedicate your lives to the building of such a party you will remain trapped in this political dead end of a two-party system in which both parties are owned and operated by the white racist US capitalist class that has been running the USA since 1776.

The working class represents not a “special interest group” but the VAST majority – a super-majority – of the citizenry of this and every other capitalist nation-state on Earth.  We represent fully 80% of the population in the US – and it is we who have built this country from the ground up, with our brains and our bare hands – not the capitalist 1% who merely provided the capital and who obtain all the wealth they rob from us. We need a political party wholly owned and operated by ourselves – the workers; financed by ourselves, the workers; whose political leaders owe 100% of their allegiance to us, the workers!  Anything less than a party 100% owned and run by workers is a political scam being run by and in the interests of the capitalist class.

So let’s stop riding the #Republicratic political merry-go-round and build ourselves a party we can be proud of; a party we can support whole-heartedly, knowing that it truly represents OUR working-class interests and isn’t just another front for the 1%.  #DumpTheRepublicrats! #BuildAWorkersParty!  #FightForAWorkersGovt!  #FightForASocialistFuture! #AbolishThePolice!




The Great Coronavirus Scare of 2020 Proves The World Is Incapable of Dealing With Even a “Limited” Nuclear War

Since the onset of The Great Coronavirus Scare of 2020 the shameless apologists for the money-lusting US capitalist class have been busily proclaiming the “impossibility” of comparing this outbreak of #COVID19 – a very nasty flu virus – to any other epidemic in world history (unless it was an even worse and more deadly one). In order to justify the insane shutting down of the global economy over what is and remains to the day of my writing this merely a nasty flu epidemic, we are shouted down by our pro-capitalist opponents every time we attempt to make the obvious comparison between the current COVID-19 “pandemic” and the annual flu “epidemics” which kill between 20-70,000 US workers each and every year. It’s OK, apparently, to compare this COVID-19 epidemic to the far worse 1918 flu pandemic, since that global crisis led to the most deaths ever from the flu. These propagandists for the covering-up of every monstrous failing and murderous crime of the US and other capitalist classes of the world seek in this way to defend the indefensible – the mass-murdering and exploitative capitalist system itself – and to attempt to portray the only truly pro-human-life people on Earth – the revolutionary socialists – as the mortal enemies of mankind.  This kind of naked and perpetual gaslighting of the workers of the entire world whenever the subject of socialism comes up has long become de rigueur for the lying propagandists of the capitalist class.

These repulsive defenders of the capitalist system of the USA – a nation whose principal “great families” amassed most if not all of their wealth via the “primitive methods of accumulation of capital” known as genocide and slavery – have all long opposed every attempt made by the US socialist movement to agitate for a socialized national health care system. There is only one party they all support, “progressives” and “conservatives” alike (properly known as “the Republicrat Party”) – because in their infinite wisdom they never cease to explain that “the creation of a ‘viable’ third party in the United States is impossible”;  this, they falsely claim,  is due to a magical (and nonexistent) “American Exceptionalism”.  These defenders of “civilized capitalism” have utilized all their most vicious methods, from character assassination to actual assassination since the 1870s, to crush any attempt to create not just revolutionary socialist workers parties but even the type of comprehensive free health care system that is enjoyed by the workers throughout the rest of the industrialized world.  In this way they attempt to “prove” to the workers the moral superiority of capitalism over socialism!

The only nation in the world so far that has demonstrated its ability to harness the monumental human power of the entire nation’s working class to smash down any barrier that stood in the way of successfully shutting down the COVID-19 epidemic is socialist China; yet still we see the lying propagandists of the capitalist class attempting to portray the world-historic and successful Chinese response to the COVID-19 outbreak as some kind of “proof” that “socialism does not work”.  And they are even so bold as to make these outrageous and patently false denunciations of the “Communist Chinese” response to COVID-19 at the very moment when the entire capitalist world and its economic system have been laid completely prostrate by this merely nasty flu epidemic! How any honest worker can fail to see right straight through their lies about the rapid and comprehensive Chinese response to their COVID-19 outbreak is beyond us!

Even in those capitalist nation-states that have what they pretend to be “socialized medicine” (but which is in fact merely a nationalized health care system administered – poorly – by the capitalist class) we see that these nations are totally unprepared to handle this mere flu epidemic!  Their health care systems – long derided by and underfunded by the right-wing of the capitalist class as unwarranted “state intervention” in the “capitalist marketplace” of the health care industries – have almost completely collapsed precisely in those capitalist countries where the epidemic has been most intense and the budget cuts to their “socialized” health care systems the most vicious. Che sorpresa!

But in the neo-fascist, anti-communist United States of America, where the US capitalist class has “succeeded” in preventing socialized medicine from becoming one of the crown jewels of their so-called capitalist “civilization”, the disarray and utter failure of the massively understaffed and underfunded privatized health care system to adequately handle this flu epidemic is nakedly exposed for all the world to be shocked – but not at all surprised at. The response to the COVID-19 epidemic by the US capitalist class and their Janus-faced Republicrat party has been absolutely – and typically – disgraceful; yet still there is no discernible push for a third political party – one led by and in the interests of the still-enthralled-by-capitalism US working class!

The COVID-19 Epidemic Was Long Foreseen by the US Capitalist Class

This type of an epidemic has not only been long foreseen by social scientists and epidemiologists; it has supposedly been the subject of a series of “war games” like October, 2019’s “Event 201”: simulations in which top capitalists like Bill Gates and government health and medical science agencies, military and political leaders and policy planners – and even the US Central Intelligence agency – have created these seminars that examine how the US health care system and governmental agencies would respond to a “worst-case scenario” eerily similar to the COVID-19 epidemic.  They used sophisticated computer simulations and the best mathematical modeling to predict how many would be infected, hospitalized – and how many would die – if a virulent and deadly strain of a highly contagious coronavirus suddenly appeared in the USA.

I do not believe – as the craziest conspiracists of the left and the right do – that “Event 201” was not a simulation, but the real deal.  I believe that the reason why the simulation was so close to the COVID-19 outbreak is that, after the SARS and MERS outbreaks, which were also very similar to CODID-19 (only much smaller), it has become readily apparent that these outbreaks are going to occur and reoccur on occasion, perhaps as often as every 5-10 years.  But it’s not absolutely beyond the US capitalist class and their military and killer “intelligence agencies” to commit such a crime; it’s a well-known fact (to those who pay attention to the long, sordid historical record of the crimes of the US capitalist system they have done far worse things before!

It’s possible, in my personal estimation, that the COVID-19 outbreak was as much a surprise to the US Government as it was to the Chinese Government; but the vastly disproportionate response now being undertaken in the US and throughout the capitalist world which has deliberately knocked out most of the global capitalist economy over a global “pandemic” that has at this writing killed only as many people as die in a typical US “flu season” may well be a global social experiment being led by the US Government to see how workers will react under this kind of economic and social stress.  There is simply NO JUSTIFICATION for shutting down the entire economy and for “locking down” the entire population over this merely nasty flu virus!

Much of this wildly out-of-proportion response to COVID-19 is of course phony posturing intended for propaganda purposes: the US capitalist class needs to keep the US working class deluded into believing that the capitalists have everything under control and that there is no need to worry about the US not having a socialized health care system because (in their greed-warped minds) our prohibitively expensive privatized health care system is somehow “better” than the far less expensive and universal socialized health care systems in the rest of the industrialized capitalist and socialist nation-states. By running these largely phony simulations and publicizing their mostly reassuring findings they intend to be able to keep on kicking the “Medicare-for-All” can down the tollway for ever, just as they have been doing since the end of WWII.  And STILL when the crisis they’ve foreseen and even “war-gamed” hits… they fall flat on their face!

Capitalism Sucks! A revolutionary workers socialist government can do far, far better!  US workers need to Dump The #Republicrats and Build A Workers Party, NOW!  It is a matter of life and death for the workers of the world and our families’ futures!

All this should be obvious to even a dog; but somehow, the US working class just doesn’t get it. You just keep on supporting the politicians who have been playing “chicken” with your lives for the past 230+ years and continue to believe what your capitalist masters have long beaten into your thick skulls – that “capitalism” is better than “socialism” and that “it’s better to be dead than Red”.  Well, now you’re finding out that your allegiance to the enemy capitalist class and their murderous system is going to make those of you who have long believed that “it’s better to be dead than Red” really “put your money where your mouth is”!

If The Capitalists Can’t Handle the Medical Response to a Mere Flu Outbreak How Can They Continue to Pretend They Can Deal With a Nuclear War?

If one thing should have become crystal-clear from the complete and total collapse of the capitalist world’s health care and economic systems due to the “strain” of a mere flu pandemic it is this: there is NO WAY we can any longer justify spending hundreds of billions of dollars on nuclear weapons systems. If these health care systems can’t handle a mere flu epidemic, how could they possibly handle even a “limited” nuclear attack? If the capitalists can’t even provide us with enough ventilators for all the critically ill patients in a flu pandemic that spares almost everyone under 50 and kills only the very sick and the very old and very sick, how could they possibly even begin to cope with the massive casualties of a “limited” exchange of nuclear weapons? It’s absolutely absurd to pretend that they could. Yet as I write this, the United States Government is preparing to spend $494 billion dollars over the next decade; not on a “Medicare for All” program – no, that would be “communistic”! – but on the “upgrading” and “modernization” of its nuclear arsenal!

If this is not the very definition of insanity, then certainly the continuation of working-class support to the capitalist classes of the world certainly is. If, in the face of the twin self-inflicted disasters of the collapse of the health care systems of the capitalist world and – far, far worse – the entire capitalist world economy – due to a mere flu epidemic isn’t enough to convince the working classes of the USA and the world that it’s time to replace capitalism with socialism – then there is really no hope for the future of the human race.  If we workers continue to allow the rich super-minority to run the world and call it “Democracy(TM)” then, obviously the working classes of the world – 7 ¼ billion strong – are simply too stupid to evolve beyond our present, pathetic state of subservience to the numerically miniscule capitalist classes of the world. Like happy dogs, we love our masters so much we’ll still lick their hand and crawl at their feet no matter how many beatings they give us, because we know that if we don’t remain subservient they’ll cut off our food and water supply.

Well, our food, yes, but we can always get our water from the toilet bowl, can’t we?

Capitalism Kills! Dump the Republicrats; Build A Workers Party; Fight For A Workers Government; Fight For A Socialist Future! Because there is literally NO FUTURE FOR THE WORKING CLASS UNDER CAPITALISM!


Police Corruption in the USA: New York City – 1894 Lexow Committee and 1972 Knapp Commission Reports

The Lexow Committee and the Knapp Commission: two massive investigations into police corruption in the New York City Police Department, almost 100 years apart.  Results: in spite of continuous scandals, exposés, investigations and promises from the New York City and state officials that things would change – they never did.  If we were to launch a new investigation into police corruption in the NYPD – or any other big-city police force in the USA, we’d find the same thing: massive corruption.  The truth is that the police forces in the USA have ALWAYS been corrupt, from Day One.  And it’s not just “a few bad apples” (as the police chiefs and Mayors always reassure us); no, the entire orchard is rotten. (Oh, and by the way: the “lesser evil” Democratic Party has been running most big-city police departments since the 1930s).

These reports have been often quoted but rarely have they seen the light of day; they have existed in the dusty archives of public and collegiate libraries, available only to those who knew where to look.  Now, thanks to the Internet, these mind-blowing reports can be yours with the click of a button. So download away and prove to yourself how endemic total police corruption is to the capitalist system.

The only sure way to put an end to police corruption once and for all is to get rid of the capitalist system that spawns it through workers socialist revolution.


1894 NYPD Lexow Committee Report Vol I_

1894 NYPD Lexow Committee Report Vol II_

1894 NYPD Lexow Committee Report Vol III_

1894 NYPD Lexow Committee Report Vol IV_

1894 NYPD Lexow Committee Report Vol V_


[Note: The Knapp Commission Report is in the process of being archived.  Only this first section is available at this time.  We’ll be making the rest of it available (hopefully) before the holidays. – IWPCHI]

Knapp Commission Report Part 1 – Introductory Material, Table of Contents, Summary and Principal Recommendations

Knapp Commission Report Section One – Chapter One – History of Commission – Chapter Two Methods and Sources

Knapp Commission Report Section Two – Chapter Three – Patterns of Police Corruption

Knapp Commission Report Section Two – Chapter Four – Gambling

Knapp Commission Report Section Two – Chapter Five – Narcotics

Knapp Commission Report Section Two – Chapter Six – Prostitution

Knapp Commission Report Section Two – Chapter Seven – Construction

Knapp Commission Report Section Two – Chapter Eight – Bars


100th Anniversary of the “Worst Racial Massacre in US History”: the Elaine, Arkansas “Race Riot” of 1919

The Arkansas Race Riot by Ida B Wells (1920) cover.  Source: The Internet Archive

We are very pleased to present to our readers Ida B. Wells’ account of what has been called “the worst racial massacre in U.S. history”: the 1919 mass-murder of the black citizens of Elaine, Arkansas, on the 100th anniversary of this horrific event.

Racism is an endemic part of the capitalist economic system and can not be reformed away. The capitalist classes of the world, in order to maintain the hegemony of their numerically tiny minority over the vast numbers of workers, utilize every method available to keep the working class forces fighting each other so that the capitalist class can more easily rob the workers blind. By dividing the workers against themselves along racial, sexual, religious and national-origin lines the capitalist class has for the most part successfully maintained their class minority’s domination over the working class supermajority. Only in a handful of countries have the workers successfully fought to emancipate themselves from capitalist class domination and exploitation: in the USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and Cambodia. In *every* successful workers socialist revolution in history a Leninist vanguard party (or an organization closely modeled on the Leninist vanguard party) was created to lead the struggle. Only through workers socialist revolution can the working class emancipate itself from the systematic economic exploitation of the capitalist class. In order to achieve that goal, the working class *must* create its own revolutionary working class vanguard party based on the revolutionary socialist political ideology of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky.  Our goal is to organize such a party. All anti-racist workers are encouraged to contact us and join in this great work!  Workers of the World, Unite!

—- Iwpchi

The Arkansas Race Riot by Ida B. Wells (1920; 62 pages, .pdf – click on link to download)

Thanks to the Internet Archive for the copy of this original document.

1945 Anti-racism Pamphlet Issued by the U.S. United Auto Workers Union

We found this very interesting document on the website of the US National Archives.  Published in April, 1945 and entitled “A Bill of Rights for All UAW Members”, it’s a WWII-era anti-racism pamphlet published by the then-still-heavily-Communist-Party-influenced leadership of the UAW.  In 1945 of course, the US Communist Party was espousing full-fledged support of the USA’s war effort to smash Nazism (the better to defend the USSR).  Within a few years the Communists would be driven out of the AFL-CIO unions and replaced with even more nakedly pro-capitalist anticommunist leaders.

The CPUSA was in the forefront of the US civil rights movement from its founding just after WWI until the 1960s. Under the guidance of the then-Leninist COMINTERN, the fledgling CPUSA was ordered to organize black workers in the USA as an important vanguard of the US proletariat. They were to abandon any lackadaisical attitudes towards organizing blacks an an especially oppressed caste of workers in the racist capitalist USA and to intransigently fight politically against the then-prevailing black leadership of Marcus Garvey and Booker T. Washington who espoused what the COMINTERN denounced as an absolutely unacceptable program of “separate but equal” segregation of the working class.  This political intervention by the COMINTERN into the US political scene via the Communist Party of the USA split the civil rights movement into two camps; the integrationists, all heavily influenced by the Communist Party’s political leadership on this question, eventually prevailed (although, unfortunately, in a pro-capitalist reformist rather than revolutionary socialist form). The truly heroic and selfless work of US Communist Party workers in the 1920s and 1930s is vividly captured in Robin D.G. Kelley’s magnificent book “Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Great Depression”.

With no further ado here’s the UAW’s anti-racist pamphlet from 1945.


April 1945 – A Bill Of Rights for All UAW Members_United Auto Workers Union