The AIDS “Pandemic” and #TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020: Based on Bad Science Practiced by Bad Scientists Motivated by Lust for Power and Plain Old Capitalist Greed

The fundamental assumptions underlying both the AIDS “pandemic” and the COVID-19 “pandemic” are based on deeply flawed scientific analysis – “Bad Science” – promulgated by “Bad Scientists” – like the top two Bad Scientists causing havoc throughout the world today: Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Dr. Francis Collins of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).

“Bad Science” is promulgated by Bad Scientists who entered their chosen professions not for the love of the quest for scientific truth but for their love of money and personal self-aggrandizement. Their repeated and strident rejection of fundamental scientific principles and the longstanding best practices of their chosen fields indicates that many of these “Bad Scientists” may well have obtained their degrees by cheating their way through their college studies.

(Cheating was and continues to be extremely common from grade school through the high school and college levels and beyond in the USA, where self-aggrandizement and profit uber alles are the top commandments of our national capitalist religion; and many of the most egregiously Bad COVID-19 Scientists of today completed their college degrees at the HEIGHT of the USA’s most recent college cheating scandals.)

More evidence for this unearned “expertise” can be seen in the fact that, as Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford University has pointed out, Bad Scientists from every branch of the scientific community – even those with no relevant expertise in virology, epidemiology or even biology in general – have published articles in the peer-reviewed journals of their respective specialties on COVID-19 in the past 2 years.

The Great Coronavirus Fraud Of 2020 has exposed the shameless self-promotion of so many members of the scientific community who eagerly pontificate in the bourgeois press as “experts” on subjects they have no expertise in at all in order to further their malignant careers by pushing the new pseudo-scientific religion of The Cult of Mandatory Forced Medical Experiments on Human Subjects.

When you see a herd of scientists doggedly pursuing a pot of gold at the end of a pseudo-scientific rainbow and attacking anyone who tries to expose their bad scientific methods and their obvious conflicts of interest you know you’re dealing with Bad Scientists and “Bad Science”.

Top Bad Scientists at the nation’s leading research labs at our top universities will shamelessly parrot the Bad Science being spewed by the government bureaucrats in charge of disbursing research funding in order to continue to access that pot of gold;

Video source: The Jimmy Dore Show, YouTube

taking their cues from the likes of their prophet, the High Priest of Infectious Disease “Science(TM)”, Dr. Fauci, they will even lie and lie again and even make things up if they feel that is what’s necessary to coerce people into complying with the edicts they have based entirely upon Bad Science [face masks, lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, mass experiments on involuntary human subjects, etc., etc.]

Source: The Jimmy Dore Show, YouTube

When you see these bad scientists using the claim that there is an “emergency” occurring and they use the existence of this manufactured “emergency” to jettison decades of carefully considered and recognized best practices, like *not* doing lockdowns, like *not* approving drugs until all safety and efficacy trials are completed, jettisoning every principle of “informed consent”, utterly refusing to perform any kind of cost-benefit analysis for the “cures” they propose to FORCE upon every person on the planet, you know that what you’re seeing is “Bad Science” being performed by Bad Scientists, which almost always leads to Bad Results and, in medicine, Bad “Cures” that kill more people than the “disease” itself.

In the AIDS pandemic Bad Scientists compelled allegedly HIV-positive people to ingest high doses of repurposed lethal drugs like Burroughs-Wellcome/GlaxoSmithKline’s highly toxic Zidovudine (ZDV), better known as the infamous repurposed failed cancer drug  AZT – the “wonder drug” pushed by Dr. Fauci and the Burroughs-Wellcome pharmaceutical juggernaut in the 1980s AIDS pandemic; this “cure” actually ended up *causing* AIDS “syndrome”; some scientists have admitted that these drugs – not the HIV virus – were responsible for the majority of deaths that were then falsely attributed to “AIDS” by the Bad Scientists desperately trying to cover their tracks. In the COVID-19 fraud we have seen thousands of people killed by Bad Scientists putting people on ventilators unnecessarily and by sending COVID-19 positive patients direct from their hospital beds to nursing homes without even bothering to test them to see if they were SARS-Cov-2-positive. Bad Scientists kill people because they are incompetent to utilize scientific principles of their chosen field – and they even openly ridicule and urge the abandonment of best practices under the cover of an “emergency” they themselves have manufactured and promoted. It is now accepted that SARS-CoV-2 has an overall infection fatality rate of less than 0.2% – meaning that over 99.8% of the people infected with the virus WILL NOT DIE FROM IT – so where is the “emergency”? It has *always* been a figment of the feverish imaginations of the Bad Scientists -their principal motivation being to stuff their pockets with money.

[Today, the Burroughs-Wellcome company – after its merger with Big Pharma behemoth Glaxo to form Glaxo Wellcome and eventually into GlaxoSmithKline – has risen from the grave under its original name in the form of the Wellcome Trust, which is one of the sinister “philanthropic” entities pushing today’s experimental and deadly universal COVID-19 vaccine mandates in concert with Big Pharma, the World Health Organization, the US CDC/NIH/NIAID/FDA criminal enterprise and their European and Chinese co-conspirators].

When you see these Bad Scientists vociferously denying – even in the face of unassailable proof – that they are thoroughly enmeshed in conflicts of interest in which they stand to make a great deal of money from their work, you know Bad science is happening.

























One of the most glaring signs of “Bad Science” is when “Bad Scientists” attempt to elevate their new discoveries up out of the realm of testable scientific theory and into the realm of a universal, incontrovertible religious dogma;






Source: Twitter account of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya)

and when they attack fellow scientists who dare to question their fundamental assumptions and point out weaknesses in the arguments of the Bad Scientists. Bad Scientists will ALWAYS refuse to revisit their own assumptions to verify their results; they will ALWAYS resort to ad hominem attacks against those who attempt to practice “good science”; Bad Scientists put forth all kinds of special pleading as to why the rigorous scientific method *must* be put aside due to some “emergency” – often an emergency “discovered” (read: “concocted”) by the Bad Scientists themselves.  Bad Scientists seek to censor their opponents rather than to meet their challenges with reasoned arguments and better-designed research studies; Bad Scientists act more like religious prophets defending religious dogma instead of operating along scientific principles where EVERY assumption not backed up by convincing evidence remains open to criticism and re-appraisal – and ultimately to total refutation. When you see scientists circling the wagons around some eternal scientific truth and defending it against all attempts to verify its assumptions, you KNOW Bad Science is being practiced against you.

But Bad Scientists don’t stop there: another hallmark of Bad Science is when fundamental, long-standing definitions of scientific terms are suddenly revised to such an extent that the original meaning of the term is entirely turned upside-down – as was done in 2021 by the alleged “gold standard” scientists at the US Centers for Disease Control with the re-definition of the term “vaccine” in order to magically turn the non-vaccine COVID-19 “jabs” into “vaccines”:







Source: Technofog, “CDC Emails: Our Definition of Vaccine is ‘Problematic'”

In both the AIDS “epidemic” and the COVID-19 “pandemic” we have seen many of the same bad scientists elevated to the status of infallible beings whose every word is supposed to represent the *final word* on the subjects they specialize in – Dr. Anthony Fauci being the principal high priest of the Cult of COVID-19 – just as he was elevated to that position during the AIDS epidemic. In both cases Fauci has been forced to radically alter and even reverse his original revelations of “final and inalterable truths” on the subjects of both AIDS and COVID-19.

When you see so-called scientists filled with rage against those people who refuse to join their religion and who then seek to overthrow long-standing scientific principles in order to punish these heathen – as we are seeing now with the overthrow of Nuremburg Principles and long-standing human rights laws and Constitutional rights in order to force every human being on Earth to take EXPERIMENTAL drugs – REGARDLESS of the side effects of those drugs or of the medical necessity for taking them in the first place – you KNOW that Bad Science is on the march again!

In both the AIDS and COVID-19 scandals we have seen bad initial assumptions made by Bad Scientists – assumptions not borne out by the “evidence” presented – leading to bad “cures” for the manufactured “emergencies” that actually kill more people than the underlying “cause” of the emergency itself. The resulting deaths are then simply attributed not to the Bad Scientists pushing Bad Medicine but to the alleged “disease” or “syndrome” itself – PROVING that Bad Science is at the heart of the matter.

When you see “scientists” pushing highly profitable “cures” sold by Big Pharma companies like Pfizer, in spite of the long history of fraud committed by that company, with these “Bad Scientists” denying to the world that they have any conflicts of interest behind their assertions – yet who in fact stand to make thousands or even millions by so doing – you should KNOW you’re dealing with Bad Scientists!

The evidence overwhelmingly proves that #TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020 is fundamentally based upon Bad Science practiced by Bad Scientists in search, not of scientific truth, but of the oldest corrupting force in human history: money and lots of it.  Thus does the capitalist system inexorably corrupt EVERYTHING – from grade school students cheating on tests because even at their young ages they can see that “everyone does it” – to public health Bad Scientists corrupted by the lust for kickbacks from Big Pharma into overthrowing the fundamental human rights of the entire human race in order to stuff their bank accounts with billions of dollars.

So long as individuals are allowed to amass hundreds of billions of dollars in personal fortunes there can be no such thing as “democracy”: the money of billionaires is inevitably used to subvert every aspect of democratic rule by purchasing or destroying the career of every key politician, bureaucrat and scientist that stands in the way of the billionaire’s acquisition of more money and power. There will be no end to the corruption of human society until the micro-minority capitalist class and its greed-based capitalist economic system are overthrown and replaced with the rule of the working-class super-majority and an egalitarian socialist economic system.  It takes a revolutionary socialist workers party to lead that struggle: that’s what we’re trying to build.  Why haven’t you joined us already?



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