Category Archives: Science

Watch Moon’s Shadow Race Across North America During 8 April 2024 Solar Eclipse

Courtesy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s GOES-East satellite we are pleased to provide our readers with a GIF animation of the Moon’s shadow racing across North America during the 8 April 2024 Solar Eclipse.

This animation is composed of 48 satellite images taken over an 8-hour period, capturing the entire sequence of the eclipse event from the western coast of Mexico until the shadow disappears into the North Atlantic.  You can download a copy of it here (115 mb .gif file):

CREDIT:  Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) and NOAA

Introducing the IWPCHI Online Revolutionary Trotskyist Library

We are pleased to announce that we are initiating an online library of links to free, revolutionary works from leaders of revolutionary movements from the American Revolution to the Vietnamese Revolution.  You can access the Library through the link prominently displayed under the masthead of our homepage.

There is a wealth of online material we’ve been working with and have recently discovered on the Internet and we feel it is our duty to provide the same free access to all these works as we’re enjoying.  Our preference is for first editions of Revolutionary classics, from Tom Paine’s “Common Sense” to the works of  revolutionary Trotskyists.  While we will provide some links to the best “works” of Stalinist and Maoist leaders, we will focus on genuine revolutionary Marxism/Leninism/Trotskyism that is not tainted by the ideologically weak and even counter-revolutionary Stalinist renegades from Marxism/Leninism.  Likewise, we will eschew publication of most work of the classical exponents of the anarchist movement, as we consider anarchist “philosophy” to be thoroughly counter-revolutionary.

There is so much material available that it staggers the mind; rare documents that still have never been translated into English are available in Russian, German and French; and online machine translation engines are getting so good that they can render a pretty fair translation of any document instantly.  This is a great time to be a student, historian or scholar of Marxism/Leninism/Trotskyism!

We welcome your suggestions, comments and criticisms as we develop what we hope will become a valuable resource for everyone from youth just learning about socialism to scholars seeking rare documents on the Web.

Happy reading!


European Commission Contracts with Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna for COVID-19 Vaccines


We are very pleased to republish two contracts signed between Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna and the European Commission of the EU for COVID-19 Vaccines.  These documents were published by the French newspaper “FranceSoir” on 17 April 2021.


Source_FranceSoir_European Commission_1618676600910_APA BioNTech Pfizer__  (104 pages, .pdf, 37.6 MB)


Source_FranceSoir_European Commission_1618676613043_APA Moderna__

(69 pages, .pdf, 27.0 MB)


Albania’s Contract with Pfizer for COVID-19 Vaccines

We are very pleased to be able to re-publish a copy of Pfizer’s contract for supplying their COVID-19 vaccine to Albania.  The document was published on January 19, 2021 by the Albanian news site “”.  Just click on the link below to get your copy.


We just received it and have not yet had a chance to read it; when we do we’ll post our assessment of it here.



Salute to Truckers Protests Rocking Canada and USA! SARS-CoV-2 is NOT NOW and NEVER WAS a “Deadly Virus”! End all COVID-19 Mandates & Restore Our INALIENABLE Constitutional Rights NOW!

We Salute the Truckers Protests Rocking Canada and the USA!

SARS-CoV-2 is NOT NOW and NEVER WAS a “Deadly Virus”!

End All COVID-19 “Mandates”!  Rule By “Mandate” is Dictatorship!

Restore All Our Inalienable Constitutional Rights NOW!

Begin Building Revolutionary Trotskyist Workers Parties Now!

For Workers Socialist Revolution to End Capitalist Wage-and-Debt-Slavery!

The huge “Freedom Convoy” protests in Canada have reached a stage of impasse: having arrived at Ottawa (the scene of the crimes of the Canadian government committed against the workers under the guise of “stopping COVID-19”) the heroic Canadian workers find themselves relegated to begging “their” elected representatives – who are actually not the representatives of the workers but are the hired political flunkies of the capitalist ruling class – to rescind the illegal and unconstitutional COVID-19 mandates (promulgated and enforced by almost all of the various pro-capitalist political parties & politicians in Canada and the US) that have essentially suspended all constitutional rights indefinitely unless workers take the experimental and often deadly COVID19 vaccines.

Thus the working class super-majority – over 75% of the national population in any advanced capitalist nation-state – is made to realize that they have not one reliable elected representative in the Canadian Parliament, US Congress (or in any bourgeois government in the world!) who they can rely upon to vote down Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden’s wholesale violations of constitutional law and the indefinite suspension of the fundamental and inalienable rights of the citizens! How could the vast majority of the population in a so-called “democracy” find themselves so completely locked out of the decision-making process of “their own” governments, reduced to begging the political pawns of their capitalist exploiters to give us our “INALIENABLE” rights back?

The fact is that unless workers all over the world stop voting for the puppet politicians owned and operated by the mortal enemies of the working class – the capitalist class – then workers will remain out in the cold in the middle of winter, reduced to begging “their” government to return what no government has any right to steal from us in the first place! This isn’t “democracy” – it’s “bourgeois democracy” – the dictatorship of the capitalist micro-minority over the working class super-majority! If we want a government that can NEVER take away our INALIENABLE rights, what we need to establish is a “WORKERS democracy“, in which the working-class super-majority that creates all the wealth of society rules society, as opposed to the current bourgeois democracy where the capitalist micro-minority who rob the working and middle classes 24/7/365 rule despotically. To replace capitalist class micro-minority rule with working-class super-majority rule will require not endless massive, heroic demonstrations of the noble intentions and ideals of the working class – as we see in the Freedom Convoy protests and we saw in the global George Floyd anti-police brutality protests a couple of years ago – but an actual socialist workers revolution that overthrows the capitalists, their thieving capitalist economic system, and their flunky political tools – permanently!

How can we, the workers, go back to being voting cattle for the capitalist political parties ever again, after seeing nearly every pro-capitalist party politician lining up to gleefully strip away our INALIENABLE rights using the gaslighting excuse that the relatively weak SARS CoV-2 virus is a “deadly virus” to do it? The SARS CoV-2 virus was NEVER a “deadly virus” at all; this was well-known to the public health authorities of the US, Canada and the entire world as early as February of 2020, when it was announced that the preliminary estimate of the case-fatality rate (CFR) of COVID-19 was just 4% and so the overwhelming majority of people (96%) who would be infected by it would *NOT* die from it! Every epidemiologist knows that, in the beginning of an epidemic, the case-fatality rate and infection-fatality rate (IFR) numbers look extremely high, because there hasn’t yet been enough testing to establish how many non-lethal INFECTIONS there have been among the general public. Invariably, the early numbers are high; and then as it becomes clear that a great many more people have been infected by the virus causing the epidemic and have *not* died, the IFR and CFR numbers begin to decline. That is PRECISELY and PREDICTABLY what happened with SARS CoV-2! There was NEVER any reason to believe that SARS CoV-2 was a “deadly virus” – and the politicians and public health authorities KNEW THIS ALL ALONG AND DELIBERATELY LIED TO US!

So how *did* this whole COVID-19 shitshow get started anyway? This is my (IWPCHI’s) personal analysis:

Initially, what @iwpchi and @fowlchi have called on our Twitter accounts “#TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020” (search Twitter for the hashtag) began as the usual CIA anti-communist propaganda operation against Socialist China in order to embarrass them over having once again “allowed” a “deadly virus” to emerge, supposedly this time from exotic live animals being sold for food in a “wet market” in Wuhan, China. Very quickly this likely CIA op developed into the most explosive case of “blowback” in CIA history as workers around the world immediately panicked over the endless CIA-planted bourgeois press “news reports” from China claiming that people were dropping dead in the streets of Wuhan. (Those fake videos were almost certainly created by or for the CIA-backed pro-capitalist Chinese “Democracy Activists” trying to overthrow Socialist Chinese rule over THEIR territories of Hong Kong and Taiwan). As the fake videos went “viral” on social media, more and more workers around the world began freaking out and preparing for the onslaught of a “deadly” viral pandemic, with Hollywood horror films like “The Andromeda Strain” playing in their heads. Initially, almost certainly because they KNEW the propaganda about the “deadly virus” was nothing but a CIA propaganda op against China (and maybe because they knew they had helped create SARS CoV-2 in a virology lab in Wuhan!), both the UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson and US President Donald Trump (running for re-election) DOWNPLAYED the “threat” from the “deadly virus”, telling workers that it was nothing to worry about. But as the Communist Party of China – engaged in its own domestic propaganda operation to “prove” to the Chinese working class that they were going to do everything in their considerable power to “stop the spread of the virus” – began publicizing the extreme police-state measures they were taking to stop the virus’s spread, workers around the world began DEMANDING that their governments take it seriously as well! They DEMANDED that their workplaces be shut down to “protect them from the deadly virus”! Now the CIA op’s blowback came powerfully home to roost, forcing Trump and Johnson to conduct immediate 180-degree course corrections, tailing after the fear induced in the workers by the CIA’s anti-China propaganda operation! And this is where the World Health Organization weighed in, declaring the advent of a “global pandemic”, which immediately allowed the pharmaceutical industry to fulfill a long-held dream of theirs: the destruction of the lengthy & costly years-long scientific trials process that had always been necessary in order to get a vaccine approved by the globally influential US Food and Drug Administration. All the stars were aligned perfectly for them to utilize the growing global panic over the not-at-all “deadly” SARS CoV-2 virus to con the government of the world into opening up their treasuries to Big Pharma for a crash-program of rapid vaccine development using mRNA vaccine technology that had never been proven to be safe for human use. The capitalist politicians – desperate to be seen as being at least as proactive as the damned Chinese Commies, and by now being stampeded by a terrified electorate into doing “SOMETHING, ANYTHING!!!” to “stop the deadly virus!” (and having absolutely no knowledge of virology or epidemiology) – were reduced to mere putty in the hands of Big Pharma’s lobbyists! And thus The Great Coronavirus Fraud Of 2020 was off and running!

So what was it that *really* motivated the entire world’s pro-capitalist and fake-socialist politicians and public health authorities the world over to begin pushing the Big Lie that “COVID-19 is a deadly virus”? For the oldest reason in the world: MONEY! Nearly every major politician in the world either has investments in the pharmaceutical industries that they regulate or they get massive campaign donations from Big Pharma; many of them are also heavily involved in insider trading on the stock markets. They and their pals in Big Pharma quickly realized that there was a lot more money to be made for everyone concerned (except the unsuspecting working class!) by spreading terror among the workers over the relatively weak SARS CoV-2 virus than by telling the workers the truth and letting the medical professionals handle the waves of illnesses that were inevitably going to occur – no matter what the politicians & health officials said or did. There have already been many emerging scandals about politicians cutting sweet deals with their top party donors allowing them to obtain no-bid contracts for supplying personal protective equipment (PPE) and for all kinds of other items that were going to suddenly be pushed as “necessary to stop the virus” – all kinds of useless items like hand sanitizer, plastic gloves, cheap and worthless face masks, all the way up to ventilators and more expensive hospital equipment; and, of course, the vaccines! The potential for kickbacks from medical supply corporations and the pharmaceutical industry to politicians who were willing to terrorize the public over the piss-poor virus was astronomical – and no one is more in tune with maximizing their personal gain over a crisis than a pro-capitalist party politician! This is why they entered what they cynically call “public service” in the first place: to get their hands on *our hard-earned tax money* and steal as much as they can, giving it to the capitalists whose political donations allowed them to purchase their “elected” positions!

The capitalist rulers and their bought-and-paid-for political flunkies also never fail to exploit a crisis to the utmost, knowing well that in times of crisis, the citizenry can be stampeded into supporting measures that they would never normally support. They did this blatantly after 9/11; they do it all the time. And so it was that the capitalists accelerated the deployment of many of their long-cherished dreams of seizing more control over the lives of “their” worker-slaves: by taking advantage of the fear induced in workers – through the 24/7 propaganda broadcasts of the capitalist press that “COVID-19 is a deadly virus” – to implement massively UNPOPULAR police-state controls over the freedom to travel and even to associate with your friends and family – supposedly “inalienable” constitutional rights and fundamental human rights were stripped away under the fake COVID-19 “emergency” concocted by these criminals! Now “our” elected officials are telling us that we can only get our “inalienable” rights back if we take their experimental COVID-19 vaccines! We are now forced to BEG for our “inalienable rights”! And we can only get them back if we do whatever the government tells us to do! How can we ever support these political criminals and their totally corrupt political parties ever again? To go back to voting “as usual” would place the working class in the position of abject SLAVES whose inalienable human rights no elected politician of any pro-capitalist political party is bound to respect!

The truckers’ protests are a magnificent demonstration of the righteous pent-up anger of the working class, which has had their inalienable constitutional rights stripped from them after having been robbed blind 24/7/365 by the greed-head capitalists and their hired political lackeys for ever! But the protests – no matter how large they become or even if they succeed in obtaining a 100% victory by winning all their demands – will REMAIN nothing but a brief pause between life-and-death battles against the capitalist class to defend our rights UNLESS WE CREATE NEW, REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALIST PARTIES OF THE WORKING CLASS to defend our rights & to represent us in our legislatures from now on as our elected representatives! If we just go back to voting for the same political parties again, we will be like beaten dogs that crawl back to lick the hands of the master who just beat us out of our inalienable rights! There can be NO GOING BACK to the old, corrupt political parties! We need to build brand-new workers parties 100% funded by the working class and 100% dedicated to fighting for the rights of the working class – and, ultimately, to put an end forever to the thieving system of capitalism which takes 75% of the wealth created BY the working class and places it in the bank accounts of just 10% of the population – the capitalist micro-minority!

9) Without brand new revolutionary socialist – and when I say “new revolutionary socialist” I mean “Trotskyist” – workers parties, we of the working class super-majority will remain forever at the mercy of the filthy-rich capitalist class micro-minority, like dogs who keep getting kicked and beaten by their masters but who never fail to crawl back on their bellies and lick the feet of their tormentors! Victory now to the Freedom Convoy protests; down with the COVID-19 mandates! For the immediate restoration of ALL our inalienable constitutional rights of free travel, free association and bodily autonomy; but to really make certain this never happens again we must take power forever out of the hands of the capitalists – who just proved to the world with The Great Coronavirus Fraud Of 2020 that they HATE us and care about NOTHING but MONEY! – and start NOW to build revolutionary Trotskyist workers parties in Canada, the USA and around the world so we can organize the final overthrow of “our” money-lusting capitalist classes that will never stop trying to keep us as their trembling, terrified wage-and-debt-slaves!

There is literally no future for the working class under the capitalist system! Capitalism must go!  Workers to Power!

— IWPCHI and FoWLChi

The AIDS “Pandemic” and #TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020: Based on Bad Science Practiced by Bad Scientists Motivated by Lust for Power and Plain Old Capitalist Greed

The fundamental assumptions underlying both the AIDS “pandemic” and the COVID-19 “pandemic” are based on deeply flawed scientific analysis – “Bad Science” – promulgated by “Bad Scientists” – like the top two Bad Scientists causing havoc throughout the world today: Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Dr. Francis Collins of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).

“Bad Science” is promulgated by Bad Scientists who entered their chosen professions not for the love of the quest for scientific truth but for their love of money and personal self-aggrandizement. Their repeated and strident rejection of fundamental scientific principles and the longstanding best practices of their chosen fields indicates that many of these “Bad Scientists” may well have obtained their degrees by cheating their way through their college studies.

(Cheating was and continues to be extremely common from grade school through the high school and college levels and beyond in the USA, where self-aggrandizement and profit uber alles are the top commandments of our national capitalist religion; and many of the most egregiously Bad COVID-19 Scientists of today completed their college degrees at the HEIGHT of the USA’s most recent college cheating scandals.)

More evidence for this unearned “expertise” can be seen in the fact that, as Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford University has pointed out, Bad Scientists from every branch of the scientific community – even those with no relevant expertise in virology, epidemiology or even biology in general – have published articles in the peer-reviewed journals of their respective specialties on COVID-19 in the past 2 years.

The Great Coronavirus Fraud Of 2020 has exposed the shameless self-promotion of so many members of the scientific community who eagerly pontificate in the bourgeois press as “experts” on subjects they have no expertise in at all in order to further their malignant careers by pushing the new pseudo-scientific religion of The Cult of Mandatory Forced Medical Experiments on Human Subjects.

When you see a herd of scientists doggedly pursuing a pot of gold at the end of a pseudo-scientific rainbow and attacking anyone who tries to expose their bad scientific methods and their obvious conflicts of interest you know you’re dealing with Bad Scientists and “Bad Science”.

Top Bad Scientists at the nation’s leading research labs at our top universities will shamelessly parrot the Bad Science being spewed by the government bureaucrats in charge of disbursing research funding in order to continue to access that pot of gold;

Video source: The Jimmy Dore Show, YouTube

taking their cues from the likes of their prophet, the High Priest of Infectious Disease “Science(TM)”, Dr. Fauci, they will even lie and lie again and even make things up if they feel that is what’s necessary to coerce people into complying with the edicts they have based entirely upon Bad Science [face masks, lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, mass experiments on involuntary human subjects, etc., etc.]

Source: The Jimmy Dore Show, YouTube

When you see these bad scientists using the claim that there is an “emergency” occurring and they use the existence of this manufactured “emergency” to jettison decades of carefully considered and recognized best practices, like *not* doing lockdowns, like *not* approving drugs until all safety and efficacy trials are completed, jettisoning every principle of “informed consent”, utterly refusing to perform any kind of cost-benefit analysis for the “cures” they propose to FORCE upon every person on the planet, you know that what you’re seeing is “Bad Science” being performed by Bad Scientists, which almost always leads to Bad Results and, in medicine, Bad “Cures” that kill more people than the “disease” itself.

In the AIDS pandemic Bad Scientists compelled allegedly HIV-positive people to ingest high doses of repurposed lethal drugs like Burroughs-Wellcome/GlaxoSmithKline’s highly toxic Zidovudine (ZDV), better known as the infamous repurposed failed cancer drug  AZT – the “wonder drug” pushed by Dr. Fauci and the Burroughs-Wellcome pharmaceutical juggernaut in the 1980s AIDS pandemic; this “cure” actually ended up *causing* AIDS “syndrome”; some scientists have admitted that these drugs – not the HIV virus – were responsible for the majority of deaths that were then falsely attributed to “AIDS” by the Bad Scientists desperately trying to cover their tracks. In the COVID-19 fraud we have seen thousands of people killed by Bad Scientists putting people on ventilators unnecessarily and by sending COVID-19 positive patients direct from their hospital beds to nursing homes without even bothering to test them to see if they were SARS-Cov-2-positive. Bad Scientists kill people because they are incompetent to utilize scientific principles of their chosen field – and they even openly ridicule and urge the abandonment of best practices under the cover of an “emergency” they themselves have manufactured and promoted. It is now accepted that SARS-CoV-2 has an overall infection fatality rate of less than 0.2% – meaning that over 99.8% of the people infected with the virus WILL NOT DIE FROM IT – so where is the “emergency”? It has *always* been a figment of the feverish imaginations of the Bad Scientists -their principal motivation being to stuff their pockets with money.

[Today, the Burroughs-Wellcome company – after its merger with Big Pharma behemoth Glaxo to form Glaxo Wellcome and eventually into GlaxoSmithKline – has risen from the grave under its original name in the form of the Wellcome Trust, which is one of the sinister “philanthropic” entities pushing today’s experimental and deadly universal COVID-19 vaccine mandates in concert with Big Pharma, the World Health Organization, the US CDC/NIH/NIAID/FDA criminal enterprise and their European and Chinese co-conspirators].

When you see these Bad Scientists vociferously denying – even in the face of unassailable proof – that they are thoroughly enmeshed in conflicts of interest in which they stand to make a great deal of money from their work, you know Bad science is happening.

























One of the most glaring signs of “Bad Science” is when “Bad Scientists” attempt to elevate their new discoveries up out of the realm of testable scientific theory and into the realm of a universal, incontrovertible religious dogma;






Source: Twitter account of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya)

and when they attack fellow scientists who dare to question their fundamental assumptions and point out weaknesses in the arguments of the Bad Scientists. Bad Scientists will ALWAYS refuse to revisit their own assumptions to verify their results; they will ALWAYS resort to ad hominem attacks against those who attempt to practice “good science”; Bad Scientists put forth all kinds of special pleading as to why the rigorous scientific method *must* be put aside due to some “emergency” – often an emergency “discovered” (read: “concocted”) by the Bad Scientists themselves.  Bad Scientists seek to censor their opponents rather than to meet their challenges with reasoned arguments and better-designed research studies; Bad Scientists act more like religious prophets defending religious dogma instead of operating along scientific principles where EVERY assumption not backed up by convincing evidence remains open to criticism and re-appraisal – and ultimately to total refutation. When you see scientists circling the wagons around some eternal scientific truth and defending it against all attempts to verify its assumptions, you KNOW Bad Science is being practiced against you.

But Bad Scientists don’t stop there: another hallmark of Bad Science is when fundamental, long-standing definitions of scientific terms are suddenly revised to such an extent that the original meaning of the term is entirely turned upside-down – as was done in 2021 by the alleged “gold standard” scientists at the US Centers for Disease Control with the re-definition of the term “vaccine” in order to magically turn the non-vaccine COVID-19 “jabs” into “vaccines”:







Source: Technofog, “CDC Emails: Our Definition of Vaccine is ‘Problematic'”

In both the AIDS “epidemic” and the COVID-19 “pandemic” we have seen many of the same bad scientists elevated to the status of infallible beings whose every word is supposed to represent the *final word* on the subjects they specialize in – Dr. Anthony Fauci being the principal high priest of the Cult of COVID-19 – just as he was elevated to that position during the AIDS epidemic. In both cases Fauci has been forced to radically alter and even reverse his original revelations of “final and inalterable truths” on the subjects of both AIDS and COVID-19.

When you see so-called scientists filled with rage against those people who refuse to join their religion and who then seek to overthrow long-standing scientific principles in order to punish these heathen – as we are seeing now with the overthrow of Nuremburg Principles and long-standing human rights laws and Constitutional rights in order to force every human being on Earth to take EXPERIMENTAL drugs – REGARDLESS of the side effects of those drugs or of the medical necessity for taking them in the first place – you KNOW that Bad Science is on the march again!

In both the AIDS and COVID-19 scandals we have seen bad initial assumptions made by Bad Scientists – assumptions not borne out by the “evidence” presented – leading to bad “cures” for the manufactured “emergencies” that actually kill more people than the underlying “cause” of the emergency itself. The resulting deaths are then simply attributed not to the Bad Scientists pushing Bad Medicine but to the alleged “disease” or “syndrome” itself – PROVING that Bad Science is at the heart of the matter.

When you see “scientists” pushing highly profitable “cures” sold by Big Pharma companies like Pfizer, in spite of the long history of fraud committed by that company, with these “Bad Scientists” denying to the world that they have any conflicts of interest behind their assertions – yet who in fact stand to make thousands or even millions by so doing – you should KNOW you’re dealing with Bad Scientists!

The evidence overwhelmingly proves that #TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020 is fundamentally based upon Bad Science practiced by Bad Scientists in search, not of scientific truth, but of the oldest corrupting force in human history: money and lots of it.  Thus does the capitalist system inexorably corrupt EVERYTHING – from grade school students cheating on tests because even at their young ages they can see that “everyone does it” – to public health Bad Scientists corrupted by the lust for kickbacks from Big Pharma into overthrowing the fundamental human rights of the entire human race in order to stuff their bank accounts with billions of dollars.

So long as individuals are allowed to amass hundreds of billions of dollars in personal fortunes there can be no such thing as “democracy”: the money of billionaires is inevitably used to subvert every aspect of democratic rule by purchasing or destroying the career of every key politician, bureaucrat and scientist that stands in the way of the billionaire’s acquisition of more money and power. There will be no end to the corruption of human society until the micro-minority capitalist class and its greed-based capitalist economic system are overthrown and replaced with the rule of the working-class super-majority and an egalitarian socialist economic system.  It takes a revolutionary socialist workers party to lead that struggle: that’s what we’re trying to build.  Why haven’t you joined us already?



#TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020: Fauci Emails Reveal Evidence of Possible Insider Trading of Pharma Stock at U.S. National Institutes of Health

My continued perusal of over 3,000 emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), continues to bear its rotten fruit.  I’m still not past the 1/3 mark and I’ve already discovered several emails which have been ignored by the lying bourgeois press which detail how divergent  Fauci’s own personal view of COVID-19 and the true threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic was from what he and his fellow National Institutes of Health (NIH) colleagues at NIAID, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) were telling the public.

Today we reveal the first documentary evidence that there was possible insider trading of at least one pharmaceutical stock among top officials at the NIH.  The insider trading, if such it was, pertained to Gilead Sciences and their antiviral drug “Remdesivir“.  The Fauci emails reveal internal discussions and communications between Fauci and his close friends regarding the potential utility of Remdesivir in the treatment of the COVID-19 disease.  These conversations took place over a period of a least two months and resulted in a recommendation by the FDA that Remdesivir be given an Emergency Use Authorization for treating COVID-19 patients.  Thus, insiders at NIH who were privy to the daily discussions regarding Remdesivir were in a position to profit handsomely from the advance knowledge that the FDA was about to approve the use of the drug in COVID-19 treatment protocols – and we have found one particular email that clearly indicates that insider trading was likely to have been taking place at least among a small group of top officials at NIH – including, potentially, Dr. Fauci himself.

As was pointed out in an article published by the peer-reviewed journal “Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, “the positive NIAID data came after two previous clinical trials showing inconclusive results”; no one had been convinced after two previous studies that Remdesivir held much promise for treating COVID-19, and so its use was not recommended by any national health authority in the world.  But once Fauci’s NIAID and the FDA – after in-depth consultations with top officials at Gilead Sciences – decided to fly in the face of all scientific evidence and approve the use of the drug based only on claims made by Gilead, the drug was given an EUA for US use on May 1, 2020, and in reaction to that surprising turn of events, both Japan and Europe. (SOURCE: Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology: “Remdesivir emergency approvals: a comparison of the U.S., Japanese, and EU systems“, 29 Sep 2020) This gave, of course, a huge boost to stock in Gilead Sciences, which is traded on the USA’s NASDAQ exchange.  In fact, the news of the NIAID/FDA action on Remdesivir boosted the entire US stock market by the end of the trading day on 29 April:

“Trading in shares of Gilead Sciences (ticker: GILD) was halted as the company said remdesivir, its antiviral drug, met its primary goal in a government trial. Although the result is far from definitive and the drug is even farther from being fully licensed or available at scale, it is a positive step nonetheless. Gilead stock closed up 5.7% after trading resumed in the morning.”  U.S. Stocks Climb on Good News About a Coronavirus Treatment (Barron’s, 29 April 2020).

We’ll skip the long exchanges of emails between Dr. Fauci and his colleagues over Remdesivir and its utility as a treatment for COVID-19 and cut to the most significant email exchange which we are making available to the public, so far as we know, for the first time ever:

Email exchange between Courtney Billet, Director of the Office of Communications and Government Relations (OCGR) of NIH/NIAID and Dr. Anthony Fauci. This is a series of emails; this is page one of three, numbered 867 in the “Leopold” FOIA release.

















Email exchange between Courtney Billet, Director of the Office of Communications and Government Relations (OCGR) of NIH/NIAID and Dr. Anthony Fauci. This is a series of emails; this is page two of three, numbered 868 in the “Leopold” FOIA release.

















Email exchange between Courtney Billet, Director of the Office of Communications and Government Relations (OCGR) of NIH/NIAID and Dr. Anthony Fauci. This is a series of emails; this is page three of three, numbered 869 in the “Leopold” FOIA release.

















“FYI: This will go out before markets open this morning” states Courtney Billet, Director of the Office of Communications and Government Relations (OCGR) of NIH/NIAID to Dr. Fauci!  WHY would Fauci and his colleagues give a damn about the timing of the announcement vis a vis the opening of the stock markets if they weren’t engaged in insider trading? It would be like mentioning in passing “oh and by the way, the Moon will be at apogee at 10:41PM tonight” to anyone but an astronomer!

With the recent revelations of the obvious hallmarks of insider trading by top Democratic Party rainmaker Nancy Pelosi (D, CA) and her Congressional colleagues on “both sides of the aisle” and “the steady (read: grasping) hands at the till(er)” of the Federal Reserve, it comes as no surprise to me that the heads of US agencies charged with the responsibility for regulating the pharmaceutical industry appear to have been engaged in insider trading as well.

The entire capitalist system is rotten; it’s corrupt to the core.  Any system that is based on greed and which allows individuals to exploit workers shamelessly while the exploiters accumulate mountains of stolen wealth can only be seen by any truly honest, intelligent worker as being fundamentally corrupt.  The enormous wealth accumulated by capitalist oligarchs is used to purchase not just doctors and hospital administrators but regulators of the industries owned by the oligarchs and even entire state and national legislative bodies.  The multiple fraud convictions of COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Pfizer show how easily scientists, doctors and government health officials working under the capitalist system can be bribed, completely subverting the trust the citizens repose with these people, who are widely assumed by workers to be “above reproach”; but when there are billions of dollars in stolen profits available to be obscenely dangled before the eyes of people in positions of power, even the most honest among them will too often succumb to temptation – especially when they see everyone else around them doing it and getting away with it!  Under the perverse system of capitalist “morality”, honesty is not only not rewarded – it is attacked and crushed, and honest workers are looked upon by their peers as well as their capitalist “masters” as being fools and rubes worthy only of contempt and ridicule!  You need only consider what happened to heroic, honest whistleblowers like  Chelsea Manning, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange and many others in order to confirm the awful, undeniable truth of these assertions.

This is why capitalism can not merely be reformed: it must be overthrown and replaced by an egalitarian socialist workers government which completely destroys the power of money to corrupt government officials – especially those entrusted with the nation’s health.  Only in such a socialist society can science once again be the honest servant of the human race and not just another tool by which money-lusting capitalist greedheads can destroy our lives.  In order to lead that struggle workers need to build a strong revolutionary Trotskyist workers party such as the one we seek to build here at IWPCHI.  Join us!










#TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020: Dr. Fauci Told Reporter in Feb. 2020 COVID-19 Could Be No More Than “A Very Severe Seasonal Flu”. He Was Right.

This past week I’ve finally started to plow through the 3234 emails of US National Institutes of of Allergy and Infectious Diseases chief Dr. Anthony Fauci, released to the public through a Freedom of Information Act request earlier this year; and although I’ve not quite gone through even a third of them, I’ve already found several that contain very interesting material regarding what Dr. Fauci knew about the likely severity of illness the public could expect from the COVID-19 virus and when he knew it.

One of the primary mysteries to those of us who have been skeptical about the actual threat posed to the public by the “#DeadlyVirus(TM)” SARS-CoV-2, more commonly known as the COVID-19 virus, is why public health officials seemed to become more and more hysterical over the alleged threat from the virus as more scientific data came in which indicated that the threat from the virus was negligible at best and posed no “existential threat” to the human race, as the bourgeois press, politicians and others would have the world believe.  What kept the scientists like Dr. Fauci from actually “following the science” and from keeping public health officials, politicians and the public accurately informed of the *lessening threat* from COVID-19 that was being revealed to us almost daily as the latest scientific data came to light?

Several emails I’ve seen indicate that as early as February 2020 Dr. Fauci was telling his correspondents that, though it was too early to tell for certain at that time, there was a distinct possibility that COVID-19 pandemic might turn out to be more akin to the very severe 1957 or 1968 flu pandemics rather than the truly disastrous 1918-19 flu pandemic that killed between 50-150 million people worldwide.  Somehow, this message was never relayed to the public at all; it was buried beneath a mountain of hysterical reportage of what the bourgeois press dubbed a “deadly virus” long before there were even 50 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the entire world.  The failure of the top scientists in the US to emphasize to the press the very likely probability that the COVID-19 pandemic would not be as deadly as the 1918 pandemic led to hysterical news reporting that panicked the politicians and public health officials  of the USA; and that panic was then transferred to public health officials, politicians and people across the globe who have long been accustomed to look to the US government – and particularly top US government scientists and public health experts – for leadership in how to respond to a crisis of this nature.  When the US government appeared to panic, the stage was set for one of the worst public health policy disasters in human history.  The Fauci emails reveal some clues as to how this global disaster got a big push from top US government public health officials.

An example: On 16 February 2020, CBS News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jonathan LaPook sent Dr. Fauci an email in an attempt to check the veracity of an alarming email LaPook had received from a correspondent who works on Wall St.;  it’s a two-part email, reproduced here with my notes added:

Part 1 of 16 February 2020 email from CBS News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jonathan LaPook to Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIAID, with Fauci’s reply.  Comments in red by IWPCHI.
















Part 2 of 16 February 2020 email from CBS News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jonathan LaPook, to Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIAID. Comments in red by IWPCHI.

The email indicates that, in mid-February 2020, Dr. Fauci – one of the best-informed scientists on Earth in regards to the latest developments in the evolving scientific understanding of the actual threat posed by COVID-19 – was of the opinion that not only was it unlikely that COVID-19 posed some kind of existential threat to the human race, it was entirely possible that it would not come anywhere near the level of deadliness of the 1918 flu pandemic; and he envisioned a possibility that it would turn out to be even less severe than the 1957 and 1968 flu pandemics.  They had been the result of an unusually very severe seasonal flu virus, but triggered nothing as draconian as what was about to be imposed by panicking public health officials in the USA.

If Dr. Fauci was of the opinion that, based on what he knew about the actual scientific consensus on the likely severity of COVID-19 in mid-February, that COVID-19 was possibly going to be just another “typical flu pandemic like 1957 or 1968”, WHY wasn’t that message being emphasized to state and local public health officials, politicians, the bourgeois press and the general public?  WHY did Dr. Fauci stand by and allow panic to spread throughout the USA and then through the entire world without ever making an attempt to rein it in?  The Fauci-LaPook email correspondence gives us one example of how that message was distorted even by those two (at that time) relatively level-headed men as the message was relayed to the public through the medium of one of the most “responsible” outlets of the bourgeois press in the world: CBS News.

LaPook took Fauci’s message from the 16 February email to the public relatively quickly; but it emerged from the profit-making machinery of the bourgeois press in a highly distorted form despite what appears to have been a relatively responsible and not at all COVID-19-hysterical reporter – LaPook himself.

On 1 March 2020, LaPook appeared on the CBS News show “Sunday Morning” to explain to the citizens of the USA what they “needed to know” about the Coronavirus.  Click on the link below to see his report:

“The facts about coronavirus: what you need to know”; Dr. Jonathan LaPook on CBS News “Sunday Morning”

The report begins: “Coronavirus began in China several months ago, and since then, the virus — and fear of it — have been spreading around the world. There is no vaccine for coronavirus yet, but there is a treatment for fear. It’s called facts.”

He then goes on to give a pretty decent, rational and factual account of what was known about the seriousness of the COVID-19 epidemic (it was not yet a pandemic) as of March 1, 2020: “Coronavirus causes a respiratory disease called COVID-19. Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Most cases (about eight out of ten) are mild. The more serious cases can lead to severe lung damage.”  Those facts are still true to this day.  He then goes on to very lucidly describe what was known about the mortality rate of the virus:

1 March 2020; CBS News “Sunday Morning” report on Coronavirus by Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jonathan LaPook.  Though LaPook’s reportage is science-based and rational – hardly sensationalizing the epidemic – check out how the World Health Organization’s increasingly frantic statement added to the online version of LaPook’s report by a news editor completely undercuts LaPook’s rational and balanced coverage. SOURCE: CBS News website











“Just two days ago, a study from China of nearly 1,100 patients with COVID-19 reported a mortality rate of 1.4 percent; that means that of every thousand people infected, 14 will die. The death rate with flu is about 1 in a thousand.

“But some scientists feel the actual rate with coronavirus may be lower, and, in fact, closer to flu, because there are likely many cases we don’t know about, either because they are mild or the patients have no symptoms at all.” (emphasis added by IWPCHI)

Here we see that it appears that LaPook – instead of simply quoting Fauci’s statements made to him two weeks earlier which we read in the email above – attributes his information to “some scientists”.  This substantially weakens the impact of his information; imagine if he  (or his editors) had decided to reveal that it was Dr. Fauci who had told him “the actual [death] rate with coronavirus may be lower”!  It would have been headline news!  But for some reason it was completely eliminated from LaPook’s report; and in the print version online, an editor immediately followed up that reassuring information with a threatening headline statement from the World Health Organization which completely contradicts LaPook’s reporting and attempts to lure the reader AWAY from LaPook’s report towards the more sensationalist headline from the WHO!  These subtle edits can make all the difference between a calming effect or the inducement of sheer panic in the minds of the citizenry!

Did LaPook inform his editors that it had been Fauci who was the source for his information that COVID-19 might not be the “deadly virus” it was being portrayed as by their competitors in the bourgeois press? If not, then it makes sense that the editors might want to keep readers on the CBS website by offering them the more exciting WHO report rather than LaPook’s more balanced (but “boringly over-factual”) reportage.  For the capitalist press, profits are what matters, and if you want to draw people to your news programs from your competition you have to sensationalize everything or your less-scrupulous opponents will get those all-important ratings and advertising dollars, amirite?

However: if LaPook did inform his editors that the source for that information was Fauci, why did they decide to cut it from the report – to “bury the lede” as they say in the news business?  If they had decided to make THAT the headline of the report – “Fauci: COVID-19 May Be No Worse Than 1957 or 1968 Pandemics” it would have made headlines around the world and would have thrown a major monkey wrench into the machinery of the campaign to present the impending COVID-19  pandemic as an “unprecedented” event in human history!  If they deliberately chose not to run with what would have been a major world-wide scoop it is a very suspicious decision in my opinion; a crime of omission, of holding back vitally important information from the public which could very well have helped tamp down the burgeoning panic and could have prevented the draconian measures undertaken starting in March, 2020: nationwide lockdowns, mask mandates, widespread closures of “non-essential” businesses and all the rest.

Could it have been Fauci himself who refused to go “on the record” on 1 March as saying that COVID-19 had just as much chance of being a “typical flu pandemic” as anything else?  If his refusal to go on record as saying what he in fact typed out in his response to LaPook, then that, too is something that needs investigation.  Why would he do that in the face of the growing irrationality and hysterical reactions among members of the public throughout the USA? These are seriously bad decisions that were made by either LaPook, CBS and/or Fauci of the kind Congressional investigators might some fine day want to look into.

Beyond this most important controversy we need to pay attention to how the CBS News editors who compose their website’s written news repeatedly undercut LaPook’s intelligently-written and science-based article again and again with sensationalist headline links to other, more “exciting” panic-mongering articles designed to keep the reader in a state of confusion and fear instead of providing her with level-headed analysis of the rapidly-evolving COVID-19 story:

Source: CBS News website. Notice that most of the fear-mongering, hysterical headlines the editors keep using to undercut LaPook’s generally excellent article were published weeks ago – or even years ago during previous epidemics.  (Comments in red by IWPCHI)









Source: CBS News website. Comments by IWPCHI







Source: CBS News website. (Comments in red by IWPCHI)








CBS News were of course not the only top news organizations in the world who helped stoke the fear and panic that stampeded the citizenry into accepting draconian police-state measures to “flatten the curve” for “two weeks” and which have now been flattening the world economy and leading to widespread destruction of human lives across the globe for almost two years now.  Every one of CBS’s competitors were trying to outdo each other with increasingly frantic  ’round-the-clock COVID-19 coverage, as we all know only too well.

From the perspective of a revolutionary socialist, these incidents illustrate the inherent weakness of the capitalist for-profit press, which makes more money the more sensationalist a story is, and in which capitalist competition between “independent” news outlets leads not to “better” “more accurate” news but to a race to the bottom for more and more lurid headlines to draw the attention of the public towards one or another news source in order to make as much money as possible.  Many people criticize “communist” countries for their straight-jacketed government-run press; Socialist China was pilloried for not possessing a “free press” and for refusing to immediately publish sensationalist news reports of the “deadly virus” that emerged in Wuhan in 2019.  There’s a massive amount of room for improvement in both the capitalist and the “communist” press when it comes to publishing honest non-sensationalized news reporting; the capitalist news media tends towards lurid sensationalism in their lust for profits while the so-called “communist” press of the Stalinist and Maoist types institute a deadening bureaucratic stranglehold over every word and idea published.  But when it comes to coverage of vital health news coverage of emerging epidemics/pandemics like the COVID-19 pandemic that, if poorly handled, can lead to mass panic and the imposition of martial law by politicians terrified by the hysterical reactions of a citizenry driven mad by irrational fear, I know I would prefer a press that is neither crushed under the heel of ideological dogma nor profit-based; I prefer a press which is *not* involved in a life-or-death competition over advertising dollars and which is *not* compelled to compete to provide more and more sensationalized coverage in order to win the ratings wars.  The bourgeois press of USA lost out to the bureaucratically-smothered state-run press of China when it came to providing the citizenry with science-based non-sensationalized news coverage of #TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020 because at least Socialist China’s press was not forced to degrade itself by competing in a race to the bottom to see who could create the kind of anti-science pro-COVID-19-vaccine “news” that would win the lion’s share of hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising money from Big Pharma’s deeply corrupt and corrupting vaccine manufacturers.