Category Archives: Republican Party (US)

#WhyRevolution? Because in the “Land of the Free(TM)” the Treatment of Homeless People is Essentially the Same in 2022 as it was in 1894

In my endless researches into what capitalist criminals like Donald Trump consider to be the “Good Old Days(TM)” in US history I’m used to finding astonishing documents describing the horrors of life for workers in the USA from colonial days to the present; but today I found something really shocking – even to jaded old me.

Today, as part of the results of my research seeking those elusive glory days of “America” that never existed for workers yet which the historically-challenged among us somehow wish to “return to”, I’m presenting to you a description of the conditions that homeless, unemployed workers suffered in Chicago during what was then one of the worst financial depressions in US history: the Panic of 1893 – a four-year economic crisis triggered by the usual causes – vast fraud on Wall St., particularly in what was called back then the “Railroad Trusts”.

Be that as it may, and as horrible as it is to revisit those bad old days of American capitalism, the lesson I’ve learned from this particular American Nightmare is the realization that the treatment of the homeless in the USA has not improved much, if at all, since 1894.  Anyone who has ever had the inestimable displeasure of spending a night “sheltering” in a police holding cell in Chicago, or who has spent an evening at the city’s oldest homeless shelter – the Pacific Garden Missionwill be astonished when reading this account of what it was like to be homeless in Chicago circa 1894 to discover how little the experience has improved in over 120 years; and it’s likely that the same can be said for just about every city in the “Greatest Country in the World(TM)” – the USA.

It’s not as if any intelligent worker alive today in the USA or anywhere else in the world needs yet another reason to want to get rid of the hideous US capitalist class and their worker-hating, neo-fascist government by any means possible; yet here’s just one more flaming arrow in the sky signalling that US capitalism has been holding back human progress even here in the USA for well over 120 years.  As we once again stand on the brink of yet another imperialist war launched by the insane greedheads in Washington – this time due to their suddenly-discovered boundless love for the Ukrainian people – we ask again: when will you slap-happy wage-and-debt-slaves of this country ever get off your knees and put an end to all this needless suffering caused by the most rapacious and savage ruling class in world history?  Have you been telling yourselves that you’ll wait for the eve of WWIII to make your move?  Because it’s here now – and you’re still on your knees. 


1894_William T Stead_If Christ Came to Chicago_Chapter I_In Harrison Street Police Station (.pdf, 1.7 Mb, 23 pages)


Salute to Truckers Protests Rocking Canada and USA! SARS-CoV-2 is NOT NOW and NEVER WAS a “Deadly Virus”! End all COVID-19 Mandates & Restore Our INALIENABLE Constitutional Rights NOW!

We Salute the Truckers Protests Rocking Canada and the USA!

SARS-CoV-2 is NOT NOW and NEVER WAS a “Deadly Virus”!

End All COVID-19 “Mandates”!  Rule By “Mandate” is Dictatorship!

Restore All Our Inalienable Constitutional Rights NOW!

Begin Building Revolutionary Trotskyist Workers Parties Now!

For Workers Socialist Revolution to End Capitalist Wage-and-Debt-Slavery!

The huge “Freedom Convoy” protests in Canada have reached a stage of impasse: having arrived at Ottawa (the scene of the crimes of the Canadian government committed against the workers under the guise of “stopping COVID-19”) the heroic Canadian workers find themselves relegated to begging “their” elected representatives – who are actually not the representatives of the workers but are the hired political flunkies of the capitalist ruling class – to rescind the illegal and unconstitutional COVID-19 mandates (promulgated and enforced by almost all of the various pro-capitalist political parties & politicians in Canada and the US) that have essentially suspended all constitutional rights indefinitely unless workers take the experimental and often deadly COVID19 vaccines.

Thus the working class super-majority – over 75% of the national population in any advanced capitalist nation-state – is made to realize that they have not one reliable elected representative in the Canadian Parliament, US Congress (or in any bourgeois government in the world!) who they can rely upon to vote down Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden’s wholesale violations of constitutional law and the indefinite suspension of the fundamental and inalienable rights of the citizens! How could the vast majority of the population in a so-called “democracy” find themselves so completely locked out of the decision-making process of “their own” governments, reduced to begging the political pawns of their capitalist exploiters to give us our “INALIENABLE” rights back?

The fact is that unless workers all over the world stop voting for the puppet politicians owned and operated by the mortal enemies of the working class – the capitalist class – then workers will remain out in the cold in the middle of winter, reduced to begging “their” government to return what no government has any right to steal from us in the first place! This isn’t “democracy” – it’s “bourgeois democracy” – the dictatorship of the capitalist micro-minority over the working class super-majority! If we want a government that can NEVER take away our INALIENABLE rights, what we need to establish is a “WORKERS democracy“, in which the working-class super-majority that creates all the wealth of society rules society, as opposed to the current bourgeois democracy where the capitalist micro-minority who rob the working and middle classes 24/7/365 rule despotically. To replace capitalist class micro-minority rule with working-class super-majority rule will require not endless massive, heroic demonstrations of the noble intentions and ideals of the working class – as we see in the Freedom Convoy protests and we saw in the global George Floyd anti-police brutality protests a couple of years ago – but an actual socialist workers revolution that overthrows the capitalists, their thieving capitalist economic system, and their flunky political tools – permanently!

How can we, the workers, go back to being voting cattle for the capitalist political parties ever again, after seeing nearly every pro-capitalist party politician lining up to gleefully strip away our INALIENABLE rights using the gaslighting excuse that the relatively weak SARS CoV-2 virus is a “deadly virus” to do it? The SARS CoV-2 virus was NEVER a “deadly virus” at all; this was well-known to the public health authorities of the US, Canada and the entire world as early as February of 2020, when it was announced that the preliminary estimate of the case-fatality rate (CFR) of COVID-19 was just 4% and so the overwhelming majority of people (96%) who would be infected by it would *NOT* die from it! Every epidemiologist knows that, in the beginning of an epidemic, the case-fatality rate and infection-fatality rate (IFR) numbers look extremely high, because there hasn’t yet been enough testing to establish how many non-lethal INFECTIONS there have been among the general public. Invariably, the early numbers are high; and then as it becomes clear that a great many more people have been infected by the virus causing the epidemic and have *not* died, the IFR and CFR numbers begin to decline. That is PRECISELY and PREDICTABLY what happened with SARS CoV-2! There was NEVER any reason to believe that SARS CoV-2 was a “deadly virus” – and the politicians and public health authorities KNEW THIS ALL ALONG AND DELIBERATELY LIED TO US!

So how *did* this whole COVID-19 shitshow get started anyway? This is my (IWPCHI’s) personal analysis:

Initially, what @iwpchi and @fowlchi have called on our Twitter accounts “#TheGreatCoronavirusFraudOf2020” (search Twitter for the hashtag) began as the usual CIA anti-communist propaganda operation against Socialist China in order to embarrass them over having once again “allowed” a “deadly virus” to emerge, supposedly this time from exotic live animals being sold for food in a “wet market” in Wuhan, China. Very quickly this likely CIA op developed into the most explosive case of “blowback” in CIA history as workers around the world immediately panicked over the endless CIA-planted bourgeois press “news reports” from China claiming that people were dropping dead in the streets of Wuhan. (Those fake videos were almost certainly created by or for the CIA-backed pro-capitalist Chinese “Democracy Activists” trying to overthrow Socialist Chinese rule over THEIR territories of Hong Kong and Taiwan). As the fake videos went “viral” on social media, more and more workers around the world began freaking out and preparing for the onslaught of a “deadly” viral pandemic, with Hollywood horror films like “The Andromeda Strain” playing in their heads. Initially, almost certainly because they KNEW the propaganda about the “deadly virus” was nothing but a CIA propaganda op against China (and maybe because they knew they had helped create SARS CoV-2 in a virology lab in Wuhan!), both the UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson and US President Donald Trump (running for re-election) DOWNPLAYED the “threat” from the “deadly virus”, telling workers that it was nothing to worry about. But as the Communist Party of China – engaged in its own domestic propaganda operation to “prove” to the Chinese working class that they were going to do everything in their considerable power to “stop the spread of the virus” – began publicizing the extreme police-state measures they were taking to stop the virus’s spread, workers around the world began DEMANDING that their governments take it seriously as well! They DEMANDED that their workplaces be shut down to “protect them from the deadly virus”! Now the CIA op’s blowback came powerfully home to roost, forcing Trump and Johnson to conduct immediate 180-degree course corrections, tailing after the fear induced in the workers by the CIA’s anti-China propaganda operation! And this is where the World Health Organization weighed in, declaring the advent of a “global pandemic”, which immediately allowed the pharmaceutical industry to fulfill a long-held dream of theirs: the destruction of the lengthy & costly years-long scientific trials process that had always been necessary in order to get a vaccine approved by the globally influential US Food and Drug Administration. All the stars were aligned perfectly for them to utilize the growing global panic over the not-at-all “deadly” SARS CoV-2 virus to con the government of the world into opening up their treasuries to Big Pharma for a crash-program of rapid vaccine development using mRNA vaccine technology that had never been proven to be safe for human use. The capitalist politicians – desperate to be seen as being at least as proactive as the damned Chinese Commies, and by now being stampeded by a terrified electorate into doing “SOMETHING, ANYTHING!!!” to “stop the deadly virus!” (and having absolutely no knowledge of virology or epidemiology) – were reduced to mere putty in the hands of Big Pharma’s lobbyists! And thus The Great Coronavirus Fraud Of 2020 was off and running!

So what was it that *really* motivated the entire world’s pro-capitalist and fake-socialist politicians and public health authorities the world over to begin pushing the Big Lie that “COVID-19 is a deadly virus”? For the oldest reason in the world: MONEY! Nearly every major politician in the world either has investments in the pharmaceutical industries that they regulate or they get massive campaign donations from Big Pharma; many of them are also heavily involved in insider trading on the stock markets. They and their pals in Big Pharma quickly realized that there was a lot more money to be made for everyone concerned (except the unsuspecting working class!) by spreading terror among the workers over the relatively weak SARS CoV-2 virus than by telling the workers the truth and letting the medical professionals handle the waves of illnesses that were inevitably going to occur – no matter what the politicians & health officials said or did. There have already been many emerging scandals about politicians cutting sweet deals with their top party donors allowing them to obtain no-bid contracts for supplying personal protective equipment (PPE) and for all kinds of other items that were going to suddenly be pushed as “necessary to stop the virus” – all kinds of useless items like hand sanitizer, plastic gloves, cheap and worthless face masks, all the way up to ventilators and more expensive hospital equipment; and, of course, the vaccines! The potential for kickbacks from medical supply corporations and the pharmaceutical industry to politicians who were willing to terrorize the public over the piss-poor virus was astronomical – and no one is more in tune with maximizing their personal gain over a crisis than a pro-capitalist party politician! This is why they entered what they cynically call “public service” in the first place: to get their hands on *our hard-earned tax money* and steal as much as they can, giving it to the capitalists whose political donations allowed them to purchase their “elected” positions!

The capitalist rulers and their bought-and-paid-for political flunkies also never fail to exploit a crisis to the utmost, knowing well that in times of crisis, the citizenry can be stampeded into supporting measures that they would never normally support. They did this blatantly after 9/11; they do it all the time. And so it was that the capitalists accelerated the deployment of many of their long-cherished dreams of seizing more control over the lives of “their” worker-slaves: by taking advantage of the fear induced in workers – through the 24/7 propaganda broadcasts of the capitalist press that “COVID-19 is a deadly virus” – to implement massively UNPOPULAR police-state controls over the freedom to travel and even to associate with your friends and family – supposedly “inalienable” constitutional rights and fundamental human rights were stripped away under the fake COVID-19 “emergency” concocted by these criminals! Now “our” elected officials are telling us that we can only get our “inalienable” rights back if we take their experimental COVID-19 vaccines! We are now forced to BEG for our “inalienable rights”! And we can only get them back if we do whatever the government tells us to do! How can we ever support these political criminals and their totally corrupt political parties ever again? To go back to voting “as usual” would place the working class in the position of abject SLAVES whose inalienable human rights no elected politician of any pro-capitalist political party is bound to respect!

The truckers’ protests are a magnificent demonstration of the righteous pent-up anger of the working class, which has had their inalienable constitutional rights stripped from them after having been robbed blind 24/7/365 by the greed-head capitalists and their hired political lackeys for ever! But the protests – no matter how large they become or even if they succeed in obtaining a 100% victory by winning all their demands – will REMAIN nothing but a brief pause between life-and-death battles against the capitalist class to defend our rights UNLESS WE CREATE NEW, REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALIST PARTIES OF THE WORKING CLASS to defend our rights & to represent us in our legislatures from now on as our elected representatives! If we just go back to voting for the same political parties again, we will be like beaten dogs that crawl back to lick the hands of the master who just beat us out of our inalienable rights! There can be NO GOING BACK to the old, corrupt political parties! We need to build brand-new workers parties 100% funded by the working class and 100% dedicated to fighting for the rights of the working class – and, ultimately, to put an end forever to the thieving system of capitalism which takes 75% of the wealth created BY the working class and places it in the bank accounts of just 10% of the population – the capitalist micro-minority!

9) Without brand new revolutionary socialist – and when I say “new revolutionary socialist” I mean “Trotskyist” – workers parties, we of the working class super-majority will remain forever at the mercy of the filthy-rich capitalist class micro-minority, like dogs who keep getting kicked and beaten by their masters but who never fail to crawl back on their bellies and lick the feet of their tormentors! Victory now to the Freedom Convoy protests; down with the COVID-19 mandates! For the immediate restoration of ALL our inalienable constitutional rights of free travel, free association and bodily autonomy; but to really make certain this never happens again we must take power forever out of the hands of the capitalists – who just proved to the world with The Great Coronavirus Fraud Of 2020 that they HATE us and care about NOTHING but MONEY! – and start NOW to build revolutionary Trotskyist workers parties in Canada, the USA and around the world so we can organize the final overthrow of “our” money-lusting capitalist classes that will never stop trying to keep us as their trembling, terrified wage-and-debt-slaves!

There is literally no future for the working class under the capitalist system! Capitalism must go!  Workers to Power!

— IWPCHI and FoWLChi

The Great Coronavirus Fraud Of 2020 – Who Is to Blame For It: Socialist China? Or the Deeply Corrupt Pro-Capitalist Political Party Hacks YOU The Citizens Have Voted Into Office Again and Again?

The Great Coronavirus Fraud Of 2020: Who Is to Blame For It: Socialist China? Or the Deeply Corrupt Pro-Capitalist Political Party Hacks You The Citizens Have Voted Into Office Again and Again?



It is becoming more and more fashionable for critics of the public health officials responsible for the capitalist world’s unscientific, panicked response to COVID19 to ask “where are our leaders?” when it comes to protecting the rights of the citizenry from increasingly onerous police-state measures being imposed allegedly to prevent the spread of the relatively benign COVID-19 virus.

The implication of this presentation of shock at what is being falsely portrayed as a betrayal of the citizenry by recently-elected officials who seem to be competing to see which political party can impose the most draconian police-state response to COVID is that no one could have seen this coming. In fact, in most cases, the very pundits expressing feigned shock at the “betrayal” of “their” political class in refusing to defend our civil and human rights helped elect these very same officials within the past few years. For revolutionary Trotskyists, this supposedly sudden “betrayal” of the working class & middle class super-majority by “our leaders” has been anything but sudden. The politicians of all major pro-capitalist political parties – and not a few fake-socialist parties as well – have NEVER represented the interests of the working class. They are the bribed, corrupt tools of the ruling capitalist class micro-minority; and their parties have been solely representing the most criminal elements of the capitalist class and their governments for over a century now – and we revolutionary socialists have been pointing this out year after year, decade after decade – to no avail.

The vast majority of today’s social-democratic parties in Europe began betraying the working class way back in 1914 when they voted for war credits at the start of World War I. Since that time they have been the loyal representatives of the interests of the capitalist class micro-minority of Europe, they and their capitalist masters both covering their asses politically by merely granting a handful of concessions to the workers once every few decades – to prevent socialist revolutions in which the working class super-majority led by communist parties would come to power and own everything collectively and they, the capitalist class micro-minority and their political flunkies, would lose everything.

The working class and the middle class have been systematically propagandized since 1914 to falsely believe that the interests of capital and labor are identical: one of the most monstrous – and nakedly obvious – lies in history. The revolutionary socialists have exposed this fraud for what it is for decade after decade and we have been ignored by the vast majority of workers and middle class entrepreneurs, who have vainly attempted to “win over” the capitalist class to their sides by sucking up to their capitalist masters instead of overthrowing them and taking power into their own hands. The results of this class-collaborationist “strategy” (if you can call rolling over on your back and playing dead for a century a “strategy”) should by now have been made manifest to even the most obtuse; but once you’ve been made into a shit-eating surrender monkey whose only “strategy” when under attack from your supposed capitalist “partners” is to pull down your pants and grab your ankles, you are completely politically disarmed when your capitalist “friends” gang-rape you in front of your family. All you can do is bleat “where are our leaders?” After the capitalists slaughtered tens of millions of you in WWI did you overthrow capitalism? No! You ignored the appeals of the revolutionary socialists – the Bolsheviks – and rolled over and allowed the very criminals responsible for the slaughter return to power in EVERY nation in Europe! And after the capitalists slaughtered tens of millions again just 21 years later, did you the workers finally overthrow the blood-drenched capitalist classes of Europe? No! Again you ignored the appeals – this time from the Trotskyists – and rolled over and allowed them to return to power! After the Korean War, the Vietnam War, after the capitalists lied to get you to support the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, did you finally heed the appeals of the Trotskyists and say: “ENOUGH!” and overthrow the capitalists? No! Again you ignored the Trotskyists, rolled over and allowed the capitalist class war criminals to remain in power! And STILL you ask ask in 2021: “Where are our leaders?” Are you kidding me? You have NEVER supported the revolutionary leaders who have told you the truth time and time again; you have steadfastly REFUSED to support our political parties, dedicated to fight for your rights and your rights only! “Where are our leaders?” Right here where we’ve been, through every attempt by the capitalist enemy to crush us – often with your help! – since 1848!

In the United States – where, as the late Gore Vidal pointed out, anti-communism is the state religion – the working class has been tongue-bathing the crusty feet of the US capitalist class since the late 1950s “McCarthy” anti-communist witch-hunt era. Fully convinced by their capitalist masters that “socialism is bad and capitalism is good”, these pathetic creatures truly believe that “the interests of capital and labor are identical” – the mantra of the utterly corrupt, sold-out, pro-capitalist AFL criminal Samuel Gompers who founded that repulsively class-collaborationist business trade unionist cesspool in the 1890s.

Another of Gompers’s execrable “contributions” to the destruction of the naturally revolutionary spirit of the US working class was his insistence that the working class should never form its own political party – especially a revolutionary socialist one. This monstrously bad piece of advice has been taken to heart by every American worker and has been handed down from generation to generation like a decrepit piece of “heirloom” furniture to this very day: that’s why US workers, alone among their peers in the capitalist world, STILL do not have a single mass working class party that even pretends to be worthy of the name in 2021. Not only do US working-class supermajority not even have their own party after 240 years of so-called “American Democracy”; their currently largest fake-socialist political formation – the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) explicitly states in its political programme that it is NOT a political party, but only a pressure group that operates inside the capitalist-owned-and-operated Democratic Party! Apparently that’s “good enough” for even the relatively advanced elements of the business-unionized, struggling working-class wage-and-debt slaves of the USA!

The vast majority of struggling working-class wage-and-debt slaves of the USA are so completely in thrall of their capitalist masters that when on 6 January 2021 thousands of brave workers and small businesspeople swarmed into the houses of Congress to express their extreme dissatisfaction with the criminality of “their” representatives and drove those paid tools of the bourgeoisie to hide from “their” constituents under their desks, the majority of the cowardly US working class didn’t celebrate this rare incursion of working-and-middle-class rage into the “sacred” halls of the most despotic national government on Earth – they bleated that “their” government was under attack and called for extreme punishment for the brave workers who boldly put the fear of the working-and middle classes into the cold, dead, completely corrupted hearts of the US Congress! And you cowed struggling working-class sheep have the NERVE to bleat “Where are our leaders?” AT IWPCHI WE DEFEND “THE STORMING OF THE CAPITOL” PROTESTORS and call for the government prosecutors to drop ALL charges against ALL of them! They are HEROES OF THE WORKING CLASS to us – and potential leaders of the Third American Revolution – a workers socialist revolution! Any self-professed “socialist” who does not defend the protestors who stormed the Capitol on 6 January 2021 is not made of revolutionary socialist material and would have no place in our party!


Thus, the workers of both capitalist Europe and capitalist USA find themselves unable to find even one political party among the ones that they and their ancestors have voted for since time immemorial that is willing to come to the defense of their Constitutional and human rights in the face of a global capitalist attempt to completely overthrow every human right in existence using the fabricated “public health emergency” they created as an excuse. Not surprisingly, over 50% of the sheeple whose sole “strategy” for dealing with attacks from the capitalist class is to feign death eagerly embrace the prospect of never again having to even pretend to fight for their Constitutional and fundamental human rights. Life in a police-state is just fine for those who never had the courage to stand up for their own rights anyway; the terror imposed by the police state gives them a rock-solid excuse for continuing their “strategy” of rolling over and playing dead whenever the cops rampage through their neighborhoods.

[Objection: This is not quite right, because it ignores both the George Floyd and Gilets Jaunes protests.]

It may be objected that I’m not taking into account the massive protests that have rocked the US and the world recently – particularly the global “George Floyd” protests against the rampant police brutality that is endemic in the capitalist “democracies” as well as the French “Gilets Jaunes” protests. In fact, though those protests are significant, and in some cases became quite militant, they are part of the very same process by which the vast working-class super-majority has been so completely subordinated to the political party leaders owned and operated by by the capitalist classes that all they can do is “protest” when their rights are being wantonly violated by “their” governments – because they are completely unrepresented in those governments! Nearly every political party in Europe and both political parties in the USA have been either owned from their inception or co-opted by the enemy capitalist class for almost a century now! Instead of taking power into our own hands by forming new revolutionary socialist parties that are entirely independent of the capitalists and their bribed political tools, the working class continues to allow itself to be reduced to hitting the streets in mass protests that are nothing more than a militant form of begging for concessions from the capitalist micro-minority – just as their peasant ancestors did centuries ago, when they crawled on their knees bearing religious icons and carrying petitions to the Kings of Europe! “Where are our leaders?” indeed! Where does all this craven cowardice come from? How can the 1% continue to lord it over the 99% unless we, the 99% ALLOW them to do so? And that’s just what you’ve been doing for a century and are continuing to do to this day; and it’s WHY when you’re under this full-scale attack against workers and even small businesspeople by the lords of the capitalist micro-minority you look around and cry in a falsely plaintive, shocked voice: “WHERE ARE OUR LEADERS?”

The reason why you are being “betrayed” by “your leaders” is that you’ve been refusing to do your job of only supporting those political parties that are sworn to defend ONLY the rights of the working class and that have NOTHING to do with defending your capitalist enemies. “Your leaders” are actually THEIR paid shills – the bribed, corrupt tools of the capitalist micro-minority. They never represented YOU! YOU have fooled yourself into believing that your mortal enemies were your friends! For example: the celebrations of the election of Emmanuel Macron as President of France by a massive majority of worker’s votes were hardly over when he turned around and attacked the working class, trying to destroy the French workers pensions! How can this be called a “betrayal”? If any worker who voted for Macron was “betrayed” it was only due to their own inability to distinguish between friend and enemy! There was absolutely NO REASON why any worker should have thought for a moment that that shameless tool of the French capitalist micro-minority would ever do ANYTHING good for the working class! Yet you voted him into office only to cry out “betrayal!” when he – at the behest of the capitalist criminals who paid for his election campaign – turned around and attacked you! You have no one to blame but yourselves!

The same thing happened in the USA with Donald Trump – a lifelong capitalist criminal who was famous for being a racist landlord, a serial thief who hired small businesses to work for him on his real estate and casino projects and then refused to pay them for the work they did and who set up fraudulent “university” that swindled tens of thousands of students out of their and their families’ hard-earned money – who but a nation of self-deluding idiots could have believed that Donald Trump – of all people! – was a friend of the working class OR the middle class? It boggles the mind to even ask this question! Yet tens of millions of deluded workers convinced themselves that their best hope for a better life for themselves and their families would be to elect – not a loyal member of the working class who never sold out the workers – but a billionaire racist landlord with a long track record of robbing workers, small businesses and students! And the other half of the working & middle classes – thoroughly opposed to Trump and all he stands for then turned around and threw HIM out of office and replaced him with… another racist tool of the capitalist class who has been a friend to the worst segregationists in Congress his entire career, a loyal tool of the thieving bankster class and a serial war criminal to boot? How can you be surprised that you are in the position you’re in today when you can’t even tell your enemies from your friends? You refuse to learn from the lessons of history; you repeatedly elect people with a LONG track history of being mortal enemies of the working class – and then you have the nerve to turn around and declare “we were betrayed! Where are our leaders?” Who are you kidding? Only yourselves!

Who is responsible for the current police-state response to the George Floyd protests and the Gilets Jaunes and other mass protests? YOU are: YOU the working-class and middle-class idiots who elected Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel and all the other capitalist tools to power instead of selecting and electing honest, incorruptible, loyal working-class leaders from among yourselves to lead your nations! Stop pretending that you’re not responsible for the sorry state of the governmental leadership throughout the capitalist world! YOU, worker; YOU small businessperson – YOU elected these cretins and their political parties into political power! YOU have elected them over and over and over again, despite the fact that they have never done anything other than turn around the minute they are elected so they could spit in your faces! Until YOU finally admit that YOU are ultimately responsible for the leadership of YOUR nations and that YOU need to elect loyal WORKERS – not billionaires and their hired flunkies – to represent you in government YOU will continue to be the #1 obstacle to the progress of not just yourselves and your families and communities but of the entire human race!

Dump all capitalist political parties: the capitalist classes and their political lapdogs are the MORTAL ENEMIES of the working class!

Build revolutionary Trotskyist political parties dedicated to the goal of overthrowing the capitalist micro-minority and placing loyal, honest working class leaders as YOUR representatives in government!

Abolish capitalist exploitation; abolish the capitalist police-state and their “Deep State”; make all basic human needs: food, clothing, housing, health care, jobs and education – inalienable RIGHTS for all – not just privileges to be granted or withdrawn by the capitalist micro-minority when they feel like it!

Fight for workers governments and fight for a socialist future; because as “The Great Coronavirus Fraud of 2020” is proving, day after day: there is no future for the working class – or the middle class! – under the capitalist system!

Democratic Party-run Chicago Police Department Releases Video of Cold-Blooded Cop Murder of 13-Year-Old Adam Toledo

Still shot from the body camera of Chicago police officer Eric Stillman one second before he guns down unarmed 13-year-old Adam Toledo on 29 March 2021. SOURCE: Chicago’s Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA), Vimeo

Today Chicago’s phony-ass “Civilian Office of Police Accountability” (COPA) finally released the police body cam videos of the 29 March 2021 police murder of 13-year-old Adam Toledo.  Once again the citizens are stunned by a police bodycam video of a brutal assassination of an unarmed young man of color by 34-year-old officer Eric Stillman of the crazed, racist, trigger-happy Democratic Party-run Chicago Police Department (CPD).  The video is just as vicious as we all expected it to be: yet another working-class citizen murdered in cold blood by the forces of “law and order” on the streets of Chicago.  With every new murder of citizens by the racist cops in capitalist USA, body camera videos are exposing the fact that the police have been lying for decades about how they gun down unarmed citizens with impunity: these videos show that for the USA’s racist killer cops it’s “shoot first, and tell lies about it later”.  The body cameras have stripped away the cops’ ability to plant guns on their victims as was their age-old previous modus operandi; now the naked truth about the USA’s Killer Kops of Kapital must be dealt with by a US working class that has been tolerating this barbarity – and electing and re-electing the Republicrat politicians of the political parties responsible for it – for far too long.   On this page you will find all of the videos, audio recordings and links to the documents that were released today by COPA, starting with this horrible video of the murder of Adam Toledo that was captured by the body camera of the Chicago cop who killed him in cold blood:

[The rest of the documentary materials will be found at the end of this article.]

As usual after police shootings, the CPD and its apologists swarmed all over social media and the bourgeois press to smear Adam Toledo: that he was in a gang; that he had a gun; the usual.  But the video clearly shows that Toledo, who initially ran the minute he saw the cop coming, only ran down the alley for a few seconds; when the cop told him to stop he stopped as he was ordered to do; and he was unarmed and talking on a cell phone when he was shot right in the heart a split second after turning around to “show his hands” as ordered by the lunatic cop who had chased him down an alley for no apparent reason.  Judging by the cop’s body camera video, the total elapsed time from the moment the cop got out of his car to the time he gunned down this 13-year-old was about 19 seconds!  

Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot, whose Democratic Party has run the racist Chicago Police Department since the 1930s, has appealed for “calm” from an enraged public that is sick and tired of seeing their family members and fellow citizens being summarily executed on the streets of Chicago and all over the USA by her party’s and the Republican party’s Killer Kops of Kapital.  There should be no more toleration of these endless appeals for “peace” and “calm” from the Democrats while their killer cops murder our sisters and brothers over and over again and the Democratic Party-run city’s law department DEFENDS the cops and the Democratic Party-run States Attorney’s Office fails again and again to secure murder convictions for THEIR cops! Our patience is long gone!

By continuing to vote for the Democratic Party that RUNS and has been running most of the racist big-city police departments in the USA for DECADES, workers are supporting the murderous, racist police state status quo!  The capitalist billionaires who own and operate THEIR twin parties of capital – the Democratic and Republican parties – have NO desire or intention to back down from 100% support of THEIR killer cops – THEIR front-line of defense against the righteous anger of the completely politically disenfranchised working-class super-majority.  Fake socialists and other defenders prate about “defunding the police” and even “abolishing the police” WITHOUT overthrowing the capitalist system; they are political charlatans who are opposed to workers actually overthrowing “our capitalist masters”!  In fact, it will take nothing less than a workers socialist revolution and the overthrow of the capitalist class and their state to create the political transformation of society that will make it possible to TRULY abolish the racist capitalist police-state organizations!

“Working within the system” PERPETUATES racist police brutality; it can NEVER be a solution to a problem that is ENDEMIC to the racist exploitative capitalist system!  It’s long past time for the working class super-majority to build a new political party of the working class – a revolutionary Trotskyist party like our proposed party – so that finally the working class will have OUR OWN party representing OUR class interests to oppose the twin parties of the capitalist micro-minority.  This would be the necessary first step in the process of replacing the racist, murderous, capitalist system with an egalitarian, planned socialist economic system; only after that is achieved can we finally put an end to the racist police brutality that is endemic to the capitalist system. 







  2. Original case report (released 15 April 2021, censored) Original-Case-Report_REDACTED
  3. Tactical Response Report (released 15 April 2021, censored) PO-Stillman-TRR_REDACTED

BODY-WORN CAMERA (BWC) VIDEOS (links will open in another window and take you to COPA’s videos archived on the Vimeo website):

  1. BWC 1 – Shooting Officer –
  2. BWC 2 – Witness Officer [shooting officer’s partner; she arrests the man who was standing with Adam Toledo when the cops pulled up on them] –
  3. BWC 3 – Arrives after OIS (officer-involved shooting) –
  4. BWC 4 – Arrives after OIS [at 8:20 in video a police sergeant tells the cops at shooting scene they can shut off their body cameras]-
  5.  BWC 5 – Arrives after OIS –
  6. BWC 6 – Arrives after OIS –
  7. BWC 7 – Arrives after OIS [assists shooting officer with first aid] –
  8. BWC 8 – Arrives after OIS [includes footage of cops questioning the other man who appeared to have been talking with Adam Toledo in BWCs 1 & 2 when the police originally accosted them] –
  9. BWC 9 – Arrives after OIS –
  10. BWC 10 – Arrives after OIS [first “white shirt” supervisor on scene]-
  11. BWC 11 – Arrives after OIS –
  12. BWC 12 – Arrives after OIS –
  13. BWC 13 – Arrives after OIS –
  14. BWC 14 – Arrives after OIS –
  15. BWC 15 – Arrives after OIS –
  16. BWC 16 – Arrives after OIS –
  17. BWC 17 – Arrives after OIS –
  18. Third Party 1 – Shows OIS –
  19. Third Party 2 – Shows OIS –
  20. Third Party 3 – Before OIS –
  21. Third Party 4 – After OIS –

AUDIO FILES: (links open in another window and take you to COPA’s Soundcloud page)

  1. OEMC (Office of Emergency Management and Communications) Transmission –
  2.  911 1 –
  3.  911 2 –

“SHOTSPOTTER” RECORDINGS: one element of the recording devices mounted on telephone poles around “violence prone” areas in Chicago that record live video and also pick up sounds of gunshots and alert police to respond to the location of these events.

  1. Shotspotter 1 – Before OIS –
  2. Shotspotter 2 – Before OIS –
  3. Shotspotter 3 – Before OIS –
  4. Shotspotter 4 – OIS –
  5. Shotspotter 5 – OIS –
  6. Shotspotter 6 – OIS –


1975 Church Committee Report On “Alleged [CIA] Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders”

CIA_Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders_Vol 3-8

We are pleased to publish yet another disgusting chapter in the long, sordid history of the United States Government – namely, the long-standing policy of the micro-minority capitalist ruling class of the USA that it has the “right” to murder any foreign leader (or domestic leader we might add) that they do not like. Our hope is that by publishing these proofs of the murderous nature of the US capitalist class the workers of the USA will finally rise up and overthrow their bloodthirsty oppressors.

The US capitalist class and its bought-and-paid-for #BourgeoisPress has spent the better part of the last 4 years frantically screaming about “Russian meddling” in the 2016 US Presidential election – despite the fact that no hard evidence of any serious effort by Russia was ever launched that could have seriously disrupted the 2016 Presidential election.

This is a 376-page declaration – produced by the US Government itself – that proves that not only does the US Government “meddle” in foreign elections, it actually murders candidates it deems to be “opposing #USNationalInterests(TM)”!  The fact is that for over a hundred years, the US capitalist class micro-minority and their government have overthrown governments all over the world; and have never hesitated to assassinate political leaders that dared to oppose them – both internationally and domestically.

Unless the US working class rises up and overthrows its despotic capitalist ruling class that robs them blind 24/7/365 and murders our sisters and brothers all over the world 24/7/365 the other 95.5% of the world’s population will be forced to unite and destroy the USA from coast-to-coast and line-to-line – just as the “Thousand-Year_Reich” of Nazi Germany was destroyed by a united world in 1945.

The future of the United States is in the hands of the working class of the United States: will you continue to support and defend your murderous capitalist masters or will you rise up and overthrow them? If you choose to defend them then you and your families will be destroyed in a nuclear WWIII!

So wake up, US slaves! Don’t tie yourselves and your children to the mast of the sinking USS Capitalist Class! Unite and fight for an egalitarian socialist future in a socialist workers republic run by YOU!


Independent Workers Party of Chicago Statement on the 2020 US Presidential Election

You would think that it would not be possible for the Potemkin Democracy(TM) of the United States to sink any lower into the sewer than it has already sunk; but the 2020 US Presidential election proves that the sewer of the bogus democracy of the United States is very deep indeed.

With the advent of mail-in voting, electronic voting and other underhanded schemes of the US capitalist class to keep the working-class super-majority as far away from the actual levers of political power as possible, it has now become absolutely impossible for the workers of the United States – or anyone else – to effectively monitor the honesty of US elections.  The votes of the workers are now being subjected to all kinds of fraud at the local, state and national levels; fraud committed by both of the bought-and-paid-for parties of the US capitalist class micro-minority – mortal enemies of the US working class super-majority.

The US is now and always has been a fake democracy.  Initially designed by the “Founding Fathers” to exclude all people of color, women, and all men who did not own a substantial amount of real property, and especially to exclude all members of the working-class from voting, the result has always been that the hand-picked candidates selected by the ruling class have won 99.999% of US elections since day one.  Today, the working class super-majority is completely locked out of the political process – except for the necessary fraud of the pretense of a purely formal but utterly phony electoral dog-and-pony show held every 4 to 6 years.  The result of 232 years of the US capitalist class’s conspiracy to keep the working-class super-majority away from the levers of real political power at state or national levels of government is that in 2020 the US working class has NOT ONE direct representative at either the state or national levels.  To call the US a “democracy” is to perpetuate one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated in the history of the world.

It does not matter a whit whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden “wins” the US Presidential election: both of them, and both of their parties, and the US capitalist class that owns and operates them, are the mortal enemies of the working class.  The working class stands to gain absolutely nothing by voting for the hand-picked candidates of the capitalist class that has hired these candidates to expedite and enforce the perpetual, brutal exploitation of the workers.  Both Biden and Trump can be counted upon to continue to deploy their racist, murderous police forces to attack us whenever we stand up in defense of our rights just as they can be counted upon to deploy our own sons and daughters in the capitalist-class-owned-and-operated US military to attack and murder our working-class sisters and brothers all over the world.  There is no such thing as a “lesser evil” among the politicians of the capitalist parties: all of them are equally evil; all of them are the mortal enemies of the workers of the world in the final analysis.  A vote for any pro-capitalist politician is a vote against ourselves and our own and our families’ futures.

The task that lies before the workers of the USA is to immediately begin to form and build working-class parties that are truly 100% independent of the enemy capitalist class. The working class can and must finance these parties out of our own pockets.  There are approximately 275 million working-class citizens in the US: if each of them gave just one dollar a month to a bona-fide working class political party we could quickly achieve what we deserve according to our overwhelming numbers: the complete and permanent control of 80% of all the seats in the legislatures at the state and national levels.  Only then will we be able to cease to be mere observers standing outside the halls of our legislatures and relying on the hand-picked servants of the enemy capitalist class to decide whether or not to represent us faithfully in the legislatures of this nation.

To the working class, the office of CEO of the capitalist system – the Presidency – holds no allure at all.  Even if, by some mischance, we in the Independent Workers Party of Chicago were elected to serve as the CEO of US capitalism we would refuse to do so, because by doing so we would cross the picket lines from the working-class side to the side of our oppressors.  We must focus our attention on seizing our birthright: a representation in both houses of Congress that accords with our actual social weight in this capitalist nation where all the wealth ever created in the history of the USA was created by we, the workers, through our own labor-power. 

If we begin today to build workers parties, we can surely take over the legislative bodies of this nation within the next decade.  Once we do that we will be able to promulgate laws favorable to us and to rescind all laws that are not favorable.  And we can then seriously contemplate the overthrow of the hideously outdated and reactionary capitalist system that has long ago proved itself to be only capable of “achieving” global environmental destruction and the continual mass-murder of our sister and brother workers all over the world.

The future, as always, is in our own, reliable hands: the hands of the vast working-class super-majority.  There is literally nothing standing in our way that we, in our overwhelming numbers, can not overcome; however, we do not have much time left before the capitalists launch the next world war.  Either the working class will take power out of the hands of the greed-maddened and murderous capitalist class and overthrow capitalism in the next decade or the capitalists will plunge the world into a nuclear WWIII.  Only the working class, by taking power into our own hands, can prevent this from happening.

There are only two kinds of workers on this planet: revolutionaries and slaves.  We call upon all the antiracist, anti-sexist, pro-union, and anti-capitalist revolutionary workers to join with us in this great project to reject the dead-end capitalist future of racism, sexism, poverty and war in favor of a  fight for a socialist future of global egalitarian prosperity and peace for ourselves, our children and for all future generations.  Revolutionary workers: join us!

Dump the Republicrats!  Build A Workers Party!  Fight For A Workers Government!  Fight For A Socialist Future!


US Govt Prepares Its State-Run Media to Open Up New Propaganda Barrage Blaming China For Collapse Of Privatized Capitalist US Medical “System”

[NOTE: Just as I was writing this it was announced that in the face of the “deadly COVID-19 pandemic” and as it begins to affect the impoverished people of India and Africa and the rest of the southern hemisphere, US War Criminal President Donald Trump has decided to cut off funding to the World Health Organization because it isn’t anti-communist enough! As we have always said: the capitalist class of the United States and its vicious, worker-hating neo-fascist government are the #1 obstacle to the advancement of human progress! The desperate need for workers in the USA to “Dump the Republicrats” and “Build A Workers Party” has never been more obvious!  Join us!  – IWPCHI]

“Better ‘Dead’ than ‘Red'”, you say? “Your” capitalist class stands ready to make your dream come true!

In the face of the near-complete collapse of the US capitalist health care and economic systems the New York Times today strongly hinted that the US Government’s state-run media propaganda networks are about to attempt to cover up their massive incompetence in the face of the minor #COVID-19 epidemic by… blaming “Communist” China!

The #COVID-19 epidemic – a typical global viral epidemic entirely comparable to the annual flu epidemics that hit the world year after year – has been one of the few ways in which the world has had the opportunity to compare the socialist and capitalist systems in a side-by-side comparison in real time. Socialist China’s response to the #COVID-19 was as fast as any massive bureaucracy could have been expected to respond: China’s entire planned socialist national health care network and relevant government agencies harnessed the power of the socialist command economy to slow down the spread of COVID-19 on 30 December when China had around 50 known cases nationwide. Chinese scientists had identified the new virus, isolated it and published the first scientific papers on its genome and case histories of the initial handful of patients within a few weeks.

In stark contrast, the US and European governments, who had almost 2 months to prepare for a wave of COVID-19 patients on top of their already-huge numbers of “common flu” cases – in almost every case did little or nothing at all. While the European death tolls have remained in the range of the annual death tolls from “common flu” thanks to their comprehensive socialized health care systems, the years of budget cuts to health care throughout Europe, imposed by socialism-hating conservative governments, exposed the enormous shortcomings of the capitalist version of “socialized medicine(TM)” compared to the capabilities of China’s ACTUAL socialist system. Shortages of everything – virus testing kits, masks, gloves, face shields, hospital beds, ICU units, ventilators and more – plague ALL of the capitalist “socialized medicine(TM)” systems. While socialist China was able to build enormous “pop-up” hospitals in just two weeks to treat their COVID-19-infected citizens, the capitalist world, always putting profits before human lives, hesitated to do any such thing and in most cases procrastinated for crucial weeks during which the highly-predictable spread of this slightly-nastier-than-normal coronavirus took the lives of thousands of workers. While socialist China – a nation of 1.4 billion – has been able to stop the spread of the virus inside China so well that they have suffered only 3,355 deaths (as of this writing), many nation-states in the “advanced” capitalist world, plagued by critically-needed medical supplies and equipment, are seeing much higher fatality rates.

As I’ve mentioned in previous articles: the longer the working classes of the capitalist world allow the capitalist system to exist the more workers are going to die from preventable diseases and lack of proper medical supplies and equipment. Under capitalism, human life is cheap – especially the lives of migrant workers, immigrants and minorities. In the USA, quite predictably, the section of the working class suffering the highest fatality rates are the African-American workers. The deadly combination of capitalist greed, racism and hatred of anything that smacks of “socialism” has led to the deaths of over 20,000 US workers already. COVID-19 is a challenge to those backward workers who still think they’re “better dead than Red”! If you’re a member of the working class in any capitalist nation-state you may soon BE dead if we don’t “go Red”!: if not from the “common flu” or a novel coronavirus then via the capitalists’ endless wars – or the lack of healthcare services millions of workers suffer from here in the arch-capitalist “Land of the Free(TM)”!

Today (14 April 2020) one of the US Government’s key de facto state-run propaganda outlets – the New York Times – published yet another scurrilous piece of anti-communist anti-Chinese propaganda entitled  “China’s ‘Donation Diplomacy’ Raises Tensions With U.S.” in which we are supposed to believe that somehow socialist China’s donations of $1.4 BILLION dollars of life-saving medical supplies to needy countries around the capitalist world suffering from the (including the USA) is somehow nothing but an evil scheme to “help China’s propaganda efforts”! 

You see, under US capitalist propaganda rules every action undertaken by any socialist workers state must be portrayed as something evil. It doesn’t matter if it’s Castroist Cuba sending thousands of doctors all over the world for free or reformist socialist Venezuela massively reducing poverty in that nation or Deng-ist China sending free medical supplies during a “deadly” viral epidemic – EVERYTHING the “communists” do must be portrayed in the WORST POSSIBLE LIGHT! These are the rules handed down from the US capitalist class “intelligence agencies” for all government propaganda and dutifully implemented by EVERY capitalist-owned de facto US Government propaganda outlet, from CNN and Fox to Time and Newsweek, the Washington Post and New York Times, Deutsche Welle and The Guardian. When it comes to “fighting communism” the entire bourgeois press of the world takes its cue from their heroes in the US Government.  US government propaganda messaging is relayed daily by the intelligence agencies to the editors of major bourgeois press outlets and constantly rears its repulsive head in articles like this one. Let’s take a closer look at how this works in practice.  I’m not going to go through the entire piece, just the first few examples, and then you can take it from there.

The authors – Edward Wong and Paul Mozur – have carefully crafted a fine piece of anticommunist propaganda here, using talking points undoubtedly passed along to them by the editors of the New York Times, who get their anti-communist marching orders directly from the CIA.  The long-running links between the owners and editors of US government propaganda outlets like the New York Times, Washington Post, Time and the major TV news networks and the CIA are so well established it would be a waste of time to repeat them here. Suffice it to say that almost every sentence of this anti-communist propaganda piece contains at least one lie or a major distortion of the facts.

For people who just glance at the headlines the Times makes sure that the subheads convey the gist of the article beneath it. Thus we get this subhead: “New regulations in China are delaying its shipments of medical supplies around the world. And some American officials worry accepting donated gear helps Chinaʼs propaganda efforts.”  Get it? If you don’t bother to read the entire piece and read it carefully between the lines and just glance at the headline you’ll still get the lying message: all those donations of medical supplies and doctors and nurses China has been sending around the world are NOT “good things” they are BAD THINGS!  And even if these donations might save your life you should NOT accept them because if you do you’ll only be “helping the Communists’ propaganda efforts”!  NEVER FORGET THE US NATIONAL MOTTO: “Better dead than Red”!

“When President Trump spoke with Xi Jinping, the Chinese leader, late last month to reach a truce to the sniping over the coronavirus pandemic, he did so partly to pave the way for steady shipments of much-needed medical supplies from China.”  This is a beauty, completely ignoring that the US government has been launching vicious and deadly attacks against China of all kinds ever since the Chinese Revolution in 1949.  The USA has done all it could do to cripple the development of socialism in China, through everything from trade and technology embargoes to outright war; these attacks have been carried out by successive Democratic and Republican governments since the end of WWII.  The Trump administration unilaterally launched a trade was against China two years ago. That’s an act of war, by the way!  But here the NY Times propagandists want to erase all that history from your memory and only focus on the Trump Administration’s incessant anti-communist attacks on China that occurred in the past 3 months!

“But as the death toll in the United States has surpassed 25,000 and hospitals still struggle with equipment shortages, American officials and executives point to new problems in buying equipment or taking donations from China.

“Shipments have run into unexpected delays as Chinese officials impose new regulations in response to complaints of low-quality products. And some American officials remain reluctant to accept gifts of gear because they fear giving the Chinese Communist Party a propaganda win.”  Amazing how many lies and distortions of truth can be crammed into just two paragraphs!  The reason why there are shortages of medical equipment and supplies in the USA and Europe – in other words in the nations of the so-called “advanced” capitalist world – is NOT because the shitty politicians in these countries have been cutting social spending and in the USA closing down hospitals – or because the capitalist-owned politicians in the “advanced capitalist world” never BOTHERED to order extra supplies in case this entirely predictable situation with COVID-19 arose! No! IT’S ALL THE FAULT OF THE COMMIES!  See how easily all that workers blood just washes off the hands of the corrupt capitalist politicians thanks to the amazing cleaning power of anti-communist propaganda?

US Centers for Disease Control estimates of mortality from influenza-like illnesses (common flu) 2010-2019. The death toll from the “deadly” COVID-19 virus is not even as bad as from the “common flu” in many recent years. This is why we call it “The Great Coronavirus Fraud of 2020”. Source: CDC, with editing by IWPCHI.

The Great Coronavirus Fraud of 2020: An Anti-Communist Propaganda Operation Against Socialist China That Backfired… And Keeps On Backfiring

The truth is that the entire “Great Coronavirus Fraud of 2020” was based on a US anticommunist propaganda operation attacking China for its allegedly “bungled” initial response to COVID-19. Starting in late December the US government’s propaganda outlets of the bourgeois press began a campaign of vilification and slander against socialist China over the Chinese Communist Party’s “slow” and “inept” response to the emergence of a new coronavirus there.  Initially, when the Chinese government swung into action, locking down Wuhan the US capitalist press universally attacked the “draconian” “police-state” quarantines that were part of the (in retrospect, massively over-reacting but effective) response of the “evil Communists” to COVID-19.  Everything the Chinese were doing was wrong-headed said the talking head “experts” on US and European capitalist news outlets.

But when China started building two huge new quarantine hospitals to take care of those who had been infected with the virus – IN JUST TWO WEEKS – and the first reports from the World Health Organization on what they termed the “very commendable” and “impressive” response of the Chinese Communist Party government to the epidemic, public opinion in the capitalist world began to swing in favor of the Chinese government’s response.  Seeing the thousands of Chinese doctors and nurses selflessly traveling to Wuhan to participate in the enormous effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 touched the hearts of millions of workers in the capitalist world.  The US was losing the propaganda war!

Ironically, the US propaganda effort to highlight the heavy-handed “evil communism” response to COVID-19 was so successful in drawing the attention of the workers of the capitalist world to what was going on in China, when the virus inevitably began to appear in the West – first in the USA and then in Europe – and the right-wing politicians attempted to downplay the danger of COVID-19 and delay taking action, the response of the working class was furious!  Convinced by the US/European anti-communist propaganda barrage against “Communist China” that COVID-19 was indeed a “deadly virus” – workers in the capitalist world DEMANDED that their governments follow the by that time hugely successful efforts of China TO THE LETTER!  Workers had been so brainwashed by the US propaganda on the “deadly” “bat virus” “from China” that they would not accept anything less than the complete shutdown of the capitalist economies to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 epidemic!  What a surprise for the likes of idiots Boris Johnson and Donald Trump!  It’s one of the worst cases of what the so-called “Intelligence Community(TM)” calls “blow-back” of a propaganda operation in world history!  The effectiveness of their propaganda FORCED the capitalists to shut down the entire capitalist world’s economy, precipitating a global depression that will almost certainly kill far more people than this piss-poor COVID-19 will!  Nice job… assholes!

The “unexpected delays” of medical shipments from China to the US and Europe were ALSO a result of anti-communist propaganda efforts.  When a small percentage of the FREE supplies shipped from China to European nations were found to have been below the “high standards” of those European government officials, they rejected the shipments and this became yet another source of a round of anti-communist propaganda against China!  Justifiably embarrassed by the screw-up, the Communist Party of China ordered the bureaucrats tasked with inspecting exports for quality to refuse to export “sub-standard” or defective medical supplies and equipment. And NOW they are being attacked by the bourgeois press for being TOO CAREFUL to ensure that everything shipped from China meets the standards of the country it’s being shipped to!  AS I said before: when it comes to socialist countries, they can’t win no matter WHAT they do!

Even the head of the US-China Business Council had to admit that the delays had been made unavoidable by the earlier rejections of “substandard” medical supplies and the anti-communist propaganda barrage against China that followed: “Jacob Parker, the senior vice president at the U.S.-China
Business Council, said [the new Communist Party-imposed inspections of all medical exports] were ‘the top issue for
some of the biggest companies in the world.  It is a good intentioned policy that has a variety of unintended consequences across a variety of areas.'”

The article continues: “In some cases, the Chinese authorities eventually helped
untangle the snarls. But the bureaucratic bungling has
exasperated American officials, who say the red tape has held up
equipment at a desperate moment.”  YES! The red tape DEMANDED BY THE US and Europeans to ensure that all shipments are “up to their high standards” has come at a desperate moment – for the corrupt government officials in the US and Europe whose careers are at stake as the death tolls in their nations steadily mount – because they only ordered these supplies IN THE LAST MONTH!

This is how the capitalist system ALWAYS fails the working class in times of emergency!  They refuse to spend the money necessary to PREPARE AHEAD OF TIME for these predictable natural disasters.  Because of their greed they NEVER maintain the necessary stocks of ANYTHING needed to respond to a hurricane, earthquake or a newly-emerged virus – or even the obscene annual death tolls from the “common flu”!  And yet the US capitalist government is going to spend $500 billion in the next few years TO MODERNIZE THE US NUCLEAR ARSENAL!  Can you IMAGINE how lousy their response would be to a hundred million casualties after a “limited” nuclear war?  

The article contains an implied threat of an upcoming propaganda campaign about to be launched by the US: “’Beijing may come to regret its rapid pivot from domestic crisis to international triumphalism, for there is already a rising tide of
nationalist anger coming its way as citizens from countries around the world face prolonged economic hardship and are in search of culpable parties,’” said Jude Blanchette, a China scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.” [Emphasis added by IWPCHI]

So workers need to be prepared for a new wave of anti-communist propaganda in which the corrupt, lying, political tools of the capitalist classes of the world try to escape the blame for the inexcusably poor state of their medical systems response to COVID-19 with a wall-to-wall “BLAME CHINA FOR EVERYTHING” campaign!  We’re not going to let the capitalist politicians get away with murder again, are we? Socialist China is not to blame for the COVID-19 deaths! US CAPITALISTS AND THEIR BOUGHT-AND-PAID-FOR CORRUPT POLITICIANS ARE GUILTY AS HELL:

“But it is American officials who are responsible for the stalling of
one batch of gear. For weeks, officials in Washington have
debated whether to accept a donation of masks from the Chinese
Foreign Ministry, American officials said. Though medical
workers are desperate for the masks, some officials argue that
taking the donation would aid China’s propaganda campaign.” [Emphasis by IWPCHI]

So there you have it!  In the eyes of the neo-fascist, anti-communist US capitalist class and their corrupt, bought-and-paid-for politicians, if doctors and nurses and their patients must die in order that the capitalist USA may “look good” compared to socialist China, then so be it! “BETTER DEAD THAN RED!” This is why we say: #CAPITALISMKILLS!  #ANTICOMMUNISMKILLS!

A socialist USA – “socialism with American characteristics” – would be a multi-party socialist workers state where all human needs – food, clothing, shelter, health care, education and jobs’ would become “inalienable rights” that could never be denied to anyone because they could not pay for them.  Unemployment benefits would equal 100% of a workers pay and would last until that workers found a new job in her or his old trade or was trained (for free) for a new one.  Emergency medical supplies would be maintained in permanent stockpiles located around the nation and all over the world.  That way, in the event of a natural disaster, supplies could be immediately shipped to where they were needed – and as soon as they were shipped replacements would be immediately ordered. This is what they do in socialist China and what they will never and CAN NEVER DO UNDER CAPITALISM!  Unless the workers of the world overthrow the capitalist system we can expect to be forced to suffer through disaster after disaster until the capitalists finally commit the ultimate “blunder”: World War III!  “Better dead than Red”, you say? Keep on defending the capitalist system and you may get your wish sooner than you think!




The Great Coronavirus Scare of 2020: The Year the Capitalists Destroyed the World Economy Over Nothing

The “cure” for COVID-19 will prove to be far worse than the disease: the damage that the capitalists have inflicted on the world economy for purely “New Cold War” political reasons may trigger another Great Depression. Source: MarketWatch

Revolutionary socialists like us have long warned the workers of the world that unless the working class overthrows the murderous, exploitative capitalist class and their antiquated economic system and takes state power into the hands of the working class there will be continued, endless misery for the workers all over the world. Capitalism – an economic system based upon less or more brutal exploitation of the working class – is also based upon competition, rather than co-operation, between nation-states and their respective capitalist classes. The struggle between these nation-states over the limited natural resources of the planet lead inevitably to regional and world wars in which tens of millions of workers are slaughtered. And now workers not only face the threat of a nuclear WWIII but also the threat of becoming more and more an economically superfluous population, as artificial intelligence systems coupled with robotics will soon enable the capitalists to permanently replace workers with machines. When we say “there is literally no future for the working class under capitalism” we aren’t just trying to scare you into the ranks of the socialist parties – we’re telling you the truth.

In their endless mad pursuit of profits uber alles the capitalists and their bought-and-paid-for political flunkies in every pro-capitalist political party tend to forget everything else besides conspiring how to grab as much tax money as possible and funnel it into their bank accounts as quickly as possible before they get caught doing it and their scam comes to a temporary end – at which time YOU, the workers in your boundless stupidity kick the bums out of office and elect a competing gang of capitalist criminals from a different pro-capitalist party. So they “game” goes on, until the working class decides, finally, to put an end to all the insanity by taking power in a workers socialist revolution.

Democratic Gov Andrew Cuomo of NY has no testing kits, ICUs, masks or ventilators but the deeply corrupt NY state government now sells hand sanitizer to fight COVID-19. Credit: State of New York

Outside of a handful of their think tanks the capitalists spend their days counting their billions and scheming as to how they can make even more money. The billionaires and their political hired hands never cease to regale the workers with complaints about “the evils of big government” and compete to see how much they can cut social spending so they can steal even more of your hard-earned money. What is politely called “democratic government” – which is supposed to be a means by which the politicians ensure that the national economy is made to provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people – ends up being twisted into a political and economic oligarchy in which the government is made to produce massive profits for about 10% of the population, while we in the “bottom 90%” (this is actually what the Federal Reserve banksters call the rest of the population) are left to fend for ourselves. The proof that the capitalist systems of EVERY capitalist nation-state are not just un-democratic but anti-democratic is found in the distribution of wealth: 75% of the wealth goes to the top 25% of the population and the “bottom 75%” gets to “split” just 25% of the national wealth. And the capitalists and their hired “knights of the pen” wring their hands and pretend to wonder why there is so much violence among the “lower classes”!

Percentage of aggregate wealth by wealth percentile, USA. 50% of US workers do not own ANY appreciable wealth. Top 10% owns 75% of national wealth. The US capitalist class calls this a “democracy”! Did you vote for this distribution of wealth? Source: US Federal Reserve Board

This festival of graft and corruption committed by the capitalists in every capitalist nation-state (known to Marxists as “bourgeois democratic government”) is how the world capitalist system has come to have been basically assassinated this month by the capitalist classes of the world over the emergence of a “novel coronavirus” named COVID-19. The greedheads of the government parties of the capitalist world, were until recently completely focused on the problem of how they could keep the (now-departed) economic boom going through 2020 so they could continue to rake in massive profits squeezed from the bone, sinew and brains of the workers of the world. With the vast majority of the world’s top capitalist leaders having nothing more than business school and – at best – law school backgrounds (in preparation for a lucrative career as a corporate lawyer) they were uniquely unprepared to deal with a global flu pandemic. Expecting these avaricious, thieving, murderous capitalist criminals to have spent any time at all, ever, in their entire lives working on how to respond to a major global health crisis is like expecting any gang of professional thieves to have spent their lives discussing rational economic planning. It was the very last thing that ever crossed their minds – or the minds of their predecessors, either. And that is why, the moment the COVID-19 epidemic hit, the world capitalist classes were caught on TV cameras everywhere with both hands in the cookie jar looking like Bart Simpson saying “I didn’t do it!” There they were, one minute happily stealing as much money as they could get their hands on, and the next minute they suddenly found themselves responsible for the very lives of every single human being they had been pretending to represent all their political careers! It was a shock to every one of them, and it was written plainly on their dumbstruck faces and their “deer-in-the-headlights” stares as waves of reporters shoved microphones in from of them and demanded to know “what are you and your government going to do about COVID-19?”

Government of real-estate swindler US President Donald Trump was caught completely unprepared to handle the COVID-19 epidemic, having spent two months criticizing Chinese Communist Party for *their* alleged lack of preparedness. Photo: Alex Brandon/AP

“What’s a COVID-19?” was a fair approximation of the answers we got to that question almost universally – even from the capitalist criminals who had been appointed (for purely political reasons) to lead the human services agencies of the nation. No, that’s not right: in many, many cases these people had been appointed not to lead but to dismantle the agencies they were running! This would have been very funny if it had happened in a Ben Stiller or Will Ferrell comedy; but these capitalist criminals who have been kept in power, elected and re-elected and re-re-elected by an irresponsible working class that cares more about sports than about their families’ futures are not funny at all. They’re deadly serious about robbing us all blind. And they are completely, organically incapable of giving a damn about the lives of workers, in their home countries or anywhere else. And they especially don’t give a damn about workers who they can’t profit off of – like the unemployed and the elderly retired. To the capitalists the poor, unemployed and retired elderly are a surplus population that sucks billions of dollars out of the capitalists’ pockets and gives them little or nothing in return. These are the people YOU, the stupid-ass workers of the world have put in charge of safeguarding YOUR LIVES AND THE LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN! Admit it now: you have no one to blame for these incompetent governments that now threaten to destroy your lives but your own damned selves!

Being for the most part – like the working class itself – utterly scientifically illiterate, the capitalists and their bought-and-paid-for politicians, it turns out, had done absolutely nothing at all to prepare their capitalist nation-states to deal with the COVID-19 epidemic! Having wasted almost two months while the epidemic raged in China ridiculing the Communist Party of China’s leadership over their alleged “bungling” of their response to COVID-19, as soon as the first cases began to appear in the USA it was immediately apparent that, compared to the capitalist world’s response, China’s response was flawless! There weren’t enough hospital beds, intensive care units, face masks; no ventilators! No virus testing kits! In short, even with two whole months advance notice of the arrival of a wave of cases of COVID-19, NO ONE in ANY of the major industrialized capitalist nation-state governments was prepared to deal with the crisis!

So what did they do? What does any idiot do when they are suddenly faced with a crisis? They panicked! In spite of the fact that, by the time that the epidemic reached the shore of the US and European capitalist nation-states, it was obvious that this virus was NOT anything beyond a really nasty flu virus that, unusually, killed mainly the sick and elderly. This was completely obvious to us by mid-January. But because the Chinese “Communists” – who, since they initially didn’t know if they had the common cold or an Ebola outbreak on their hands – spared no expense and vastly over-reacted (as it turned out) in response to the outbreak, the capitalist politicians, anti-communists all, rushed to the judgment that they too had to over-react to the epidemic – for purely political reasons! And so, egged on by glory-seeking heads of national disease control labs like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Neil Ferguson of the UK, who scared the people of the world by predicting absolutely absurd beyond-worst-case-scenario death tolls like over “2 million” in the USA alone – the criminal capitalist heads of state, completely freaked out and caught flat-footed by the outbreak – began to shut down the world economy over this mere flu epidemic!

In spite of the facts that China’s COVID-19 epidemic ended in just 2.5 months – and Italy’s seems to be doing the same – and that both nations have suffered death tolls similar to their annual death tolls from the common flu – the capitalists went and shut down the global economy anyway.  Source: L’epidemiologia per la sanità pubblica
Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy

COVID-19 is a very nasty flu indeed, but it’s nowhere near as bad as the 1918 flu that killed millions. Here’s one example that was obvious weeks ago: unlike the 1918 pandemic flu, COVID-19 kills very few people under the age of 50. Source: Bloomberg News

How stupid was it to do this? All it takes is the math skills of a grade-schooler to figure it out. Right now (2 April 2020) the GLOBAL death toll of the COVID-19 epidemic, according the the World Health Organization, is just 45,526! In the entire world!

To a really stupid person, that might seem like a lot! But to anyone who understands the size of the world population (7.8 BILLION) and the history of flu epidemics, it’s not even a drop in the bucket.  According to the US Centers for Disease Control – the same outfit that idiot Dr. Anthony Fauci works for – this year’s “flu season” in the USA has already resulted in as many as 62,000 deaths – from the “mere” “common flu”!

Most recent US Centers for Disease Control update on mortality figures for the 2019-20 US Flu Season. It is quite probable that far more people will die from “common flu” in US this year than from COVID-19. Source: US Centers for Disease Control

In a “normal” flu season in the USA, for example, somewhere around 40,000 people die – and we never hear a peep from the government or the press until the flu season is OVER, when they give us this year’s total and we shake our heads, say “tsk, tsk!” – and get ready to watch The Big Game, right? Somehow, this annual event in which tens of thousands of us die doesn’t even make front-page headlines in a normal year – and they’re not making headlines this year either!  So what’s different about this COVID-19 epidemic? The difference is that the big death toll happened in Socialist China first; and because the “communists” massively over-reacted to their epidemic, now, for purely political “New Cold War” reasons, the capitalists – in their vast ignorance and their boundless hatred for socialism – feel that they must do the same or they’ll “lose face” in the eyes of the working class. This is nothing but a “New Cold War” political pissing contest!  And it gets even worse:

Because of the vicious anti-communist campaign against the “Communist Chinese” response to the virus – which the propaganda outlets of the US and European governments falsely portrayed as being soooo “deadly” – scared the hell out of the workers in the US and Europe, the workers are DEMANDING that the capitalists do at least as much as the Chinese government did or they’ll be subjected to the same abuse the capitalist propagandists used against the “commies”!  This is a spectacular example of how anti-communist propaganda intended to attack “communist China” has come right back like a boomerang and hit the capitalists smack between the eyes and forced THEM to destroy their own capitalist system!

Let’s put these COVID-19 death-toll numbers into a big-picture perspective. In 2015, 57,000,000 people died from all causes. That’s just how many people die in any given year. That means that about 156,000 people died each and every day that year. That would be 6500 an hour, which means that the grand total of the deaths from COVID-19 so far in the entire world – let’s round it to 45,500 – is equal to just 7 hours of a normal daily global death toll! AND THE CAPITALISTS AND THEIR BOUGHT-AND-PAID-FOR POLITICIANS OF THE WORLD DESTROYED THE WORLD ECONOMY OVER THIS! To cover their asses politically!

The much-ballyhooed “disastrous” death toll in Italy from COVID-19 – which today stands at 13,157 (according to WHO) is no different than that from the “common flu” in the 2013-2017 flu seasons in Italy during which over 17,000 people died each year! In two of the four flu seasons examined by researchers in a peer-reviewed journal article published in August of 2019 the death toll in Italy from common flu was far above the death toll reported so far from COVID-19!

Due the the enormous success of Italy’s socialized medical care system, Italians enjoy one of the highest life expectancies in the world – many years higher than in the USA. The downside of this is that Italy has an enormous population of very old and vary frail senior citizens who die every flu season. The death toll from COVID-19 is not unusual for Italy. Source:


The human toll in lost and ruined lives from the capitalist-class-inflicted damage to the global economy will be many times worse than the death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic!

Today’s headlines indicate that the global death toll from the major recession that the capitalists and their political flunkies who YOU VOTED INTO OFFICE will be one of the worst of all time. In just two weeks the number of unemployment claims in the USA have reached levels never seen since the Great Depression! These idiots have “cured” a flu epidemic by shooting the world economy to death, just so they can cover their asses politically and “show those commies” how much they care for human lives!

Everything’s phony about the US capitalist state’s response to the COVID-19 epidemic. Source: New York Times

While the US capitalist class and their political tools pretend to be shining examples of the “superiority” of capitalism over socialism and as the ruling class who puts human lives ahead of profits, in spite of global appeals from the UN and almost all of the US’ allies, they have refused to end their crushing economic sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea so that those countries can purchase the medical supplies they need to fight the COVID-19 epidemic! That’s because when it comes to the lives of workers living under governments who have dared to rebel against US imperialist neo-colonial domination – THEY DON’T GIVE A SHIT! Any worker, any government that dares to rebel against the US capitalist class is mercilessly crushed, by any means necessary – in the name of “Freedom(TM)” and “Democracy(TM)”! They have proven time and time again that when it comes to the lives of workers – especially Black, Hispanic and Asian workers – they are prepared to kill as many as they feel is necessary in order to stop socialists of any kind from overthrowing the capitalist system and putting an end to misery of a life lived in crushing poverty under ruthless exploitation imposed by the capitalist class! And the sickest thing about this is that YOU – US workers – allow the US capitalist class to do this to your working-class and peasant sisters and brothers all over the world!

The tail wags the dog: US capitalist class anticommunist propaganda operation against China ends up forcing them to apply the coup de grace to the world capitalist system. Source: US Department of Labor

The US working class has had it pounded into their heads by the US capitalist class and their bought-and-paid-for bourgeois press that “it’s better to be dead than Red.” Right now, perhaps, you’re finally beginning to wonder if that makes any sense. It’s literally true that, for the working class, if we don’t “go Red” we’ll ALL be dead! It’s obvious even to a dog that it’s not wise for us as workers to just sit back and “let the rich run things” – because they very clearly don’t give a shit about us!

In fact, under a revolutionary socialist government like the one we at IWPCHI propose, first of all, we’d have a socialized medical system that would provide comprehensive health care to everyone from birth to death at no charge. Under socialism, all higher education would also be paid for from the national budget – there’d by no economic obstacle as there is under capitalism for those who have what it takes to be doctors, nurses and other medical professionals.

Just by covering all the millions of US citizens who now have no health care, we’d be required to build a lot of hospitals and to train a lot of medical professionals. That means we’d have many more intensive care units than we have right now – and the doctors and nurses to staff them.

Under socialism, defending the interests of the entire working class would be the primary purpose of the government. Instead of reacting to crises, we would prepare for them and maintain stocks of all the necessary medical equipment to overcome challenges like COVID-19 and worse. We’d maintain permanent stocks of equipment strategically located around the country so when an epidemic hits the materials needed to fight it would be on hand and ready to be shipped immediately. This is just a matter of simple logistics under socialism; under capitalism it’s simply not profitable to do all this – so it never gets done. We’ve seen the US Government drop the ball over and over again with crises from earthquakes to hurricanes to epidemic diseases. In their diseased minds, ruined by greed, the capitalists simply can’t make enough money preparing for disasters to make it worth their while to do so.

The good news is that you, the working class, have the power to change all this; in fact if you don’t do it, it will never happen! All it will take to get started building a better future for you and your families is to decide right now that you’re never going to vote for a pro-capitalist politician ever again, and then to build a revolutionary socialist political party and fight to take over every major local, state and national political office. This will not take forever. From the time the Republican Party was first formed to the time it won its first Presidential election took about 12 years – and THEY didn’t have the Internet! We can do it in 8, tops. As soon as we have even a handful of seats in Congress we can start shutting down all the vicious legislation being hurled at us by the Republicrats and can start pushing for a socialist workers government. The longer we wait the more of us will die unnecessarily in natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes and this COVID-19 epidemic.

Dump The Republicrats! Build A Workers Party! Fight For A Workers Government! Fight For A Socialist Future! THERE IS LITERALLY NO FUTURE FOR THE WORKING CLASS UNDER CAPITALISM!